How they ask you out

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Derek Morgan
    It has been about 4 months since you have joined the BAU and the chemistry between you and Morgan huge. Neither of you knew what to do with your feelings so you both just kept them to yourself. All of that change though when you two have to do a undercover op together as a newlywed couple.

Everything was going great until your cover was blown and there you are with a gun pointed to your head and Derek standing with his gun pointed at us. "If you move I will shoot her" said John Smith our unsub.

You are so nervous that something will go wrong, but you trust that Derek will keep you safe and that everything will be okay. Derek was trying to reason with John to let me go but he kept pressing the bud of the gun harder on my head.

When you thought it was the end the unsub moved ever so slightly that was when Derek shot him right smack in the head and he fell to the ground dead. As soon as he hit the ground Derek ran right to me and pulled me into a hug. "I thought I was going to loose you and I don't want to wait anymore" said Derek.

What he did next surprised you the most. He pulled you into a sweet light kiss, that made you feel something that you have never felt in your life. He pulled away and said something that would change your life for forever. "(Y/N) I couldn't stand seeing you in the hands of the unsub and this made my feeling for you grow more. (Y/N), l love you will you go out with me?"

You couldn't believe what he just said, but you knew my answer right away. "Yes, I will go out with you."

Aron Hotchner
    You have been working at the BAU for almost a month and you are really like working there. One day you were at your desk at the BAU doing paperwork because there wasn't a case when your phone started to ring. "(L/N)."

"(Y/N) it's Bishop you need to come back to NCIS Parsa is back and you need to get here before my boss Gibbs finds out who the experts are or he will be really mad that it is me and that you are not hear" said Bishop really quickly.

    "Calm down Bish I will be there as soon as I can."

When you hung up with her you went and informed Hotch that you would be helping NCIS with the case. After that you went straight to NCIS to help them with the case. You had just gotten back from NCIS after helping them and all you wanted to do was go back to your apartment, eat Chinese food, and go to sleep. That wasn't the case because when you got to the bull pen Hotch asked you to come to his office.

    As you opened the door to Hotch's office you saw him sitting on the edge of his desk staring off into space. When you closed the door Hotch looked up and he made his way over to you. "(Y/N) what I am about to tell you might change our relationship forever. When you were gone helping NCIS with the case I felt like something was missing from the normal daily atmosphere of the team. Only then I realized that it was you that I was missing and couldn't live without. What I'm trying to say is can I have the honor for you to go out with me."

    You were lost for words but you managed to stumble out some words. "I would be honored to go out with you."

                            Spencer Reid
    It was a few days after you consulted the BAU with their case and everyone except Spencer had reach out to you. You felt like he didn't like you or want to get to know you.

    You were on your lunch break eating at the local diner when Spencer walked in and sat a few seats away from you at the front of the diner. He didn't see you at first, but when he did walked up to you. "Hey (Y/N) is it alright if I sit here?"

    "Yes you can Spencer nice to see you again."

    Spencer sat down and you guys talked and talked until you had to go back to work. You didn't want to stop talking to Spencer, but you had to get back to work. Form then on you and Spencer meet every day at the diner during your lunch break. After each time you would get to know him more and you began to fall for him.

    On Friday it was like any other day where you and Spencer had lunch together, but to you something about Spencer felt off. You let it go thinking that it was the stress of work and you started to enjoy your lunch. When you have to leave you said goodbye to Spencer and went back to work. Not even a hour went by when you got a text from Spencer. The text said"
(Y/N) I was going to ask you this earlier, but didn't know how to ask you. I loved getting to know you and I want to know more about you. Will you go out with me?"

    You were in shock all you ever wanted was for Spencer to ask you out. You quickly sent this reply "of course I will go out with you!"

                           Emily Prentiss
    You went out clubbing with your friends after a long work day and you were starting to regret it. All of your friends have abandoned you for some guy and you were sitting alone at the bar. To top it off there was some creeper who won't leave you alone he just keeps trying to get close to me.

    As he was about to grab me I heard someone say "stay away from my girlfriend!" You quickly turn around to see who it was that saved you and it was Emily Prentiss. You were so glad to see her that you didn't even care that she called you her girlfriend. "Thank you for saving me Emily."

    "Your welcome (Y/N)."

    "So I'm your girlfriend?"

    "If you want to be?"

    "I would love to."

    "Well then would you go out with me and be my girlfriend?"


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