Chapter 34: John Laurens is Back

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Lots of POV switching, hope you can keep up...

---Alex's POV---

"John's back." Angelica didn't sound happy about it, although I couldn't imagine why. This was the moment we'd waited for.

I didn't care. I was happy as- as- a nerd in a library. I shot out the door and flung myself down the hallway. "John?"

"Hey alex!" He sounded overjoyed. I rounded the corner and stopped short, my initial elation lost.

Bruises sprinkles his face like dry leaves in the fall marring his perfect, freckled skin. One eye was black, and laced with red veins.

And his arm was broken.

"John," I whispered, "what the hell happened?"

John just shrugged. "I fell out of a tree."

---John's POV---

I knew I looked terrible. But like Michael said, this is brave, this is bruised, this is who I'm meant to be.

This is me. And I didn't care, I was too happy right now.

For one, Michael would be ok. I'd gotten word he was pretending to be straight. It hurt to know, but I knew he'd survive. His spirit could preserve itself inside. His body could not. He was so strong and proud no matter what he pretended to be.

For two, I was back and alive, despite having fallen pretty far. Being alive is a good thing.

Three, I was with Alex. Like not with with Alex but I got to see him every day. I'd missed him for the couple of days I'd been gone.

And four, Alex sounded really concerned. Which meant he cared, although it did mean I'd need to explain. I stepped forward and hugged him.

"Good to have you back," Alex sighed into my shoulder, my heart fluttering.

"Glad to be back," I replied earnestly. I bit my lip, then asked, "Coffee?"


"You ain't got no skills!"


"Yo, lemme get a-"

"Milky way."

"Yeah, lemme also get a-"

"John's back?"


"That's wonderfu- Oh dear, what happened?" Eliza rushed over, handing Alex what he always ordered. "Who-"

I shook my head. This time my smile was fake. "Not who, what." She handed me my regular, which I took with my right hand, my left being in a cast.

"He says he fell out of a tree." Says. Was I that obvious? Alex was looking at Eliza significantly. I sipped my coffee as casually as I could.

Eliza looked at me. "How did you break your arm?" I swallowed. I could do this. I could. "How did you break your arm, John?"

I shrugged again. "I fell."

She looked concerned. "Really? Is that what happened?

I nodded unconvincingly. "I was, I lost my grip and I- I fell."

I bit each word, but I got it out.

Eliza rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well obviously not. I'm calling Maria."

Alex grinned. "Thank you 'Liza."

Um, what? "Wait, I don't get it, what's going on?" I was afraid they were going to turn me in or report me, but Maria? I smiled at Sally, taking my change and turning to Alex. "What's going on?"

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