Chapter 2

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My mom had to work late tonight so I decided to go to the park.

"Star light, Star bright, the first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish, I wish tonight." I say as I look up at the Stars.

"Hey!" I heard someone say behind me.

I turn around to see a guy standing by a tree.

I turn around to see a guy standing by a tree

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"Hey" I reply

"You must be new here, I'm Tj." He said

"Cyrus." I tell him nervously

"Why are you out in the park alone at this time of night?" Tj asked

"My mom has to work late so I thought I'd take a walk." I respond

"Oh, well don't you know it's dangerous to be outside at this time of night?" Tj asked

"No I didn't.. I just wanted to get out of the apartment." I told him

"What you live in the apartment complex?" Tj asked

"Yes.." I say hesitantly

"Cool, me too!" Tj said excitedly

"What floor?" I asked, it would be nice to have a new friend.

"13th.." Tj said

"There's no 13th floor.. do you mean 12?" I asked

"Yeah, 12th.. that's what I meant..." Ty replied

"Well it was nice meeting you Tj but I should be heading back.. got school in the morning.." I told him

"I'll walk with you, seeing as we are going to the same place." Tj said

"Ok, will I see you tomorrow?" I asked

"What school you going to be at?" Tj asked

"Jefferson High.." I told him

"Then yes, you'll see me tomorrow.." Tj said looking at the ground then he looked back to me and said " You might hear some negative stuff about me.."

"Why?" I asked

"Well my cousin is a bully so people think that I'm a bully as well... they judge me without really getting to know me.." Tj replied

"Oh, I see..." I say as I think about what he's telling me. "They shouldn't judge you before getting to know you Tj, you're a nice guy."

"Thanks Cyrus" Tj Said

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