1. The Start ....... I guess!

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Hi! My name is Cat Garcia. I'm 18 and I'm the granddaughter of the WWE's Medic. I have long-ish brown curly hair and bright blue eyes one day and green eyes the next.

I absolutely love listening to music. Most of the time you see me I will have at least one earphone in my ear. I will pretty much listen to any type of music, Classical to heavy metal, you name it I will listen to it. My favourite type of music would be rock and heavy metal by far though.

I am a small enough girl for my age. Some people call me short but I like to call it funsized. I never watch T.V like ever, since I was 13 I always watched youtubers and they make my happy when I'm down in the dumps. I don't eat a lot which is not good for anybody but hey we all have our flaws, right?

My favourite colour is red without a doubt but I like them all really and I am a very creative person. I love drawing, designing, painting, writing and that kinda stuff. I would call myself an outgoing (To a certain extent (complete and utter lies)), humorous person that loves hugs and making people laugh and smile. So yeah that's who I am and I'm happy with it

Cat's POV

I was skipping through the corridors backstage at WWE, playing flappy bird and not paying attention to were I was going (the usual me) anyway, me being the smart person that I am (Ha LOL) I walked head first into something or someone and fell flat on my back, great!

"Oh My God! I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention" I said sincerely sorry. A muscular, tattooed arm extended down to help me up. I only know one guy with arms like that. I looked up to see non other than my good friend Randy Orton. "Oh hey Randy!" I said with a sigh of relief because if it was anybody else I would have been mortified.

"Hey kiddo, how are you these days?,haven't seen you in a long while" Randy asked pulling me up from the cold, hard floor. "Two days Randy, not that long" I answered. "It felt like a lot longer than two days, probably cause I was missing my No.1 fan.", Randy said as he playfully punched my shoulder. " yah sure, to be honest I'm not feeling to good, this game is driving me nuts!" I said picking up my phone and handing it to Randy. "Ah, the one and only, flappy bird. This game made my angerment issues go crazy and I smashed my phone to pieces but give me a go!" He didn't even wait for me to answer him and he was playing the game.

We were standing there for a good 5 minutes. I could see he was getting mad when he kept dieing again and again." I can't take it anymore, I just can't !" Randy screamed at the top of his lungs making some of the backstage staff turn and stair at us. He shuved the phone into my hands and ran away screaming. "I should have gotten that on Video, it would have gone viral" I thought to myself and continued skipping back to catering.

Randy's POV

I ran straight to my locker room and didn't stop for anybody. I absolutely hate flappy bird but on the other hand I like it cause it passes the time. "Uuugggghhhh, I'm going to kill Cat for this!"I said while flopping down on the couch with my phone to download flappy bird again."kill Cat for what?" John Cena asked walking in without knocking. He never knocks, it gets on my nerves a lot. Someday when he just strolls in I could be dancing to music with no clothes on or something along those lines!

"She got me addicted to that game again ", I said while waiting impatiently for the game to download. "Oh nononono, this is not good! Didn't you smash your last phone against a wall cause of that game?" "Maybe, maybe not." I answered not really paying attention to him. "Anyway our match against the Usos is up next, you can kill Cat later", John shouted half way down the hall walking towards the gorilla. Oh shit, I forgot about that match, I was just about to take a small nap on the couch. I got little to zero sleep last night on the plane. I reluctantly got up and made my way to the gorilla.

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