S1 | Freak City

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Our heroes today are in the Yellow Forest. There are graves littered on the grass. Birds are chirping; Finn, (Y/n) and Jake are walking around, "Walking, walking, walking---hambone break!" Finn starts ham-boning as (Y/n) laughs, "WooHoo! Hey!" Finn starts playfully slapping (Y/n), "Get away from me. Quit it." She continues laughing, a little blush dusted across her face.

Jake grins at them, 'Ah, young love.' He thinks, watching them play around with each other. They stop once they hear a voice, "Food for a beggar..." A mysterious man is lying on the grass in tattered clothing, "Food for a poor old man?" He gets up off the grass with a flip which makes them awe in surprise, "Whoa!"

"Geez Louise, guy." The man approaches the three, his hand is stretched out, "So you got any, kid? Food?" He urges Finn, inching closer. He searches through his backpack and finds a cube of sugar, "I got this little piece of sugar." But he starts to reconsider, 'Nuts, I'm freaking all about sugar, But I am even more about feeding hobos!' He clenches the cube in his fist.

"Whoa, man. Maybe helping this starving homeless guy is a wrong thing to do." Jake whispers, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. Finn raises his left brow, "Why?" Jake just shrugs, looking to the side, "I don't know. I said "Maybe"."

"A hero always helps someone in need and besides he's probably a secret elf who will reward us for being nice." (Y/n) states, reminding Jake. Finn shakes his head in agreement and hands the sugar to the man, "Here you go, buddy." The man snatches the sugar from Finn's hand and chews it down, "You know, believe it or not, I'm not really a beggar. I'm actually a..." The man grabs his brown cloak and tosses it aside, "Magic Man!"

The three looked stunned, "Whoa!" They then grin, "Aw, yeah!"

"He's magic! I didn't expect this." Magic Man is down on one knee and starts whistling, a bird lands in his hand. While the bird is in his hand, he rubs the fingers of his other hand together and the bird is turned inside out. Its muscles and fat are on the outside, "Magic... Away!" He shoos the bird away. It drops to the ground, flapping its wings and struggling to fly away. Finn, (Y/n) and Jake are distraught as they were holding each other.

With his eyes closed and shuddering, Jake mumbles, "Think happy thoughts... Little, cute, bees, little babies, tiny, tiny, bunnies." Finn and (Y/n) look at their friend with concern and turn to Magic Man, confused, "What is wrong with you, Magic Man?!"

"You gave me that candy, now I'll do a favor in return. A magic favor." Magic Man points as Finn, magic zaps him and blue dust cloud covers him. Magic Man then starts singing while Finn starts transforming, "A mystical, magical favor!"

(Y/n) and Jake look at him worriedly. Finn is shaped like a giant foot, well, just his lower half. His top half remains the same, "Whoa, dude!"

"...For you!"

Finn and (Y/n) yell at Magic Man with rage, "Why did you do that?!" He only hums, hopping around, "Because, on this day, a magical life lesson comes to you."

"No! Change me back!"

"Not until you appreciate what a jerk I am. Wazoo!" Magic Man jumps in the air and explodes into fireworks. The fireworks say, "Eat it". Jake groans, leaning on Finn's huge giant foot, "What a nutty guy."

"What the heck, man? What kind of deal is that? I help somebody out and they make me a stinky foot!" (Y/n) slowly nods, mumbling to herself, "Appreciate? What does that smelly banana mean?" Buts she stops talking when she hears Jake sniff Finn, "You smell pretty good." He shoves Jake away from him, "Get off of me, man! I can't be a hero if I'm a big good-smelling foot!"

Jake puts his hands on his side, "Maybe you're looking at this magic gift all wrong. Now that you're a huge foot, you can kick evil's butt, like, way more times as hard. You're 100% kick, man!" (Y/n) gives him a look, "Why are you being so level-headed about this?"

𝐉𝐎𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄.    ( 𝖥𝖨𝖭𝖭 )Where stories live. Discover now