Time Traveling for no reason

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"How long until we get to the Bunker," she asked from the back seat of the Impala.
"Oh, I'd say another few hours Rosie. You doin' okay back there?" Sam replied from the passenger seat.
"Yeah, a little hungry but we can eat when we get home," she replied turning her head to look out the window.
"Nah, we'll stop and grab some food in the next town Rose. I'm getting pretty hungry too," Dean looked at her in the mirror.
She released a long breath, it had been a long day, a long week really. She had started traveling with the Winchesters full time almost 6 years ago, she had always known them of course. Her father was Bobby Singer, basically the stay at home dad for the hunters of America.
Dean was true to his word, in the next town Dean pulled the Impala into a space in front of a little hole in the wall diner. Dean climbed out of the car, and got the door for Rose. Tired from the drive, finally getting to stretch their legs was a welcome relief. They stretched their aching muscles, before stepping inside the diner grabbing a booth.
The waiter came up to the table and began taking their orders, but Rose stared at the man. There was something familiar about him. He turned to look at her, their eyes locked.
"Gabriel?" she asked. The waiter smirked and took a step back, his golden eyes smoldering with mischief.
"Hi there, princess," he said snapping his fingers. The whole diner froze except for the boys and her. She tensed at the nickname, only Dean ever called her Princess, among many other names.
"What do you want Gabe?" Sam asked harshly. Gabriel tsked at him.
"Sam?" Gabriel asked disappointedly. "Why so abrasive?" his smile sickly sweet. Something bad was going to happen and she knew it. Dean placed a hand protectively on her knee, under the table.
"Is there something we can help you with Gabriel? Because we actually are in the middle of something right now, we just stopped in here to get a bite to eat," Dean said, turning in his seat putting Rose behind him. And with good reason, Gabriel had tried all sorts of things to get with Rose in the past. It enraged Dean, especially last time, Gabriel just picked her up and flew off, they landed up having to call Castiel to track Gabe down. When they found him, he had Rose on a private island, trying to convince her to let him love her. She was boldly refusing, much to Dean's relief.
"Well, I was going to put in your orders and buy you all beers, but now I think I'll just have some fun. See you soon gents," He said twisting his smirk further, "ma 'lady," he added. Before disappearing. The diner shifted, a small ripple went through space.
"What just happened?" Sam asked, turning back to his brother and friend. "What happened to you?"
"What happened to you, Sam?" Dean asked.
"You both look like you walked out of The Outsider's," Rose said. They brothers turned to look at her.
"Have you seen yourself yet, Rosie?" Dean asked with a chuckle. She looked down at herself. Her blue tank top, and frayed cut off shorts had been replaced by red 50's style dress with a black belt and scarf. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath scrunching up her nose.
"Alright... h-how do we fix this?" she asked pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. Also irritated that her hair was pulled into a high ponytail, and curled.
"Well, which one of you pissed him off this time?" Dean asked, touching his greased back hair. He did look handsome in his leather jacket, Sam did too, although he had a lot more hair grease then Dean.
"Not me," Sam said, picking at his hair clearly uncomfortable having it off of his ears and face.
"Wasn't me," Rose defended herself.
Dean groaned and rolled his eyes, "Come on, let's go," he said getting out of the newly transformed booth. The floors black and white tiled, red leather booths, a juke box in the corner. Witnesses in pink uniforms and roller skates floating around helping customers.
As they passed the counter, a group of young boys yelled out flirtatious comments to Rose. Dean put an arms around her waist and she took the cue to act the part, she leaned in to him a little. Dean cast a dark glance over his shoulder, the boys shut up.
When they exited the diner, they found their car was gone. As it had not been built yet. So they walked around aimlessly trying to find a clue, or Gabriel. Sam's stomach growled, they never did get their lunch. And it was now almost time for dinner.
"Let's just find a motel or something, find a place to crash until we can figure this out," Dean suggested, seeing the weariness in Rose and Sam's eyes. They searched the town, they finally found a hotel at the edge of the city in the not so nice neighborhood.
Rose felt unsafe, as she no longer had her weapons and neither did the boys, this time this place was not a very safe place for her to be. Dean knew this too, and he held her very close to him. They checked into the motel, that came with complimentary cigarettes...
"Are you sure this'll be okay?" Rose asked taking off her dress finding that she was still wearing her boy shorts underwear and white undershirt underneath the dress. Sam and Dean took off the leather jackets and dark jeans, and helped each other wash the gross hair grease out.
Dean checked the door to make sure it was locked and bolted, while Sam checked the windows. Dean sat down on the bed with Rose.
"Honestly, I don't know. I really don't like this place, but we can't go anywhere, and we don't have any more money. So right now, let's just get some sleep and pick back up trying to find Gabriel tomorrow, okay?" he asked, pulling the tie out of her hair that kept it up.
She took a deep breath and nodded. She laid down on the mattress, Dean shut out the light after bidding Sam good night. Dean did not feel safe here, he was especially worried about Rose, these thoughts drove him to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her to him. She was not yet sleeping, but wasn't bothered by Dean's touch, she flipped to face him and buried her head in the crook of his neck. His strong arms held her close.

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