Chapter 4

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"So where did you come from?" I asked nervously. WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?? HE'S NOT AN ALIEN OR SOMETHING! I'm so retarded sometimes it's not even funny.

He had a cute smirk on his face and said, "I moved here from Ohio. Something happened and I don't really know but we ended up here."

"May I ask what happened?" I feel weird asking that but I'm just curious.

"My father left us because he found a family he liked better so we moved here to be closer with my mom's family."

Boy do I feel awful.

"Jack I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bring up a rough topic," I tried saying.

"No it's fine it's just that it's hard because he told me he was going to go get me a new basketball hoop for our driveway and after days of waiting he never came back. I thought something happened to him but when I found out he was fine it kinda hurt more. Like he chose to leave."

"Jack he made the biggest mistake. I've only talked to you for 20 minutes and you've already changed my life."

"I hope that's a good thing," Jack smirked.

"Why yes it is," I replied blushing.

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