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Like a dark veil, a grove of trees keeps people at bay, in an area high up in the park. Its thick leaves mask what is beyond. People fear to cross the trees, for they have been told there may be no return. But it is a place where Eva, a 17-year old girl goes to every morning. Over the years, she created a pathway through the trees that leads to an open clearing. Eva sits down, resting her back upon a lone tree trunk. Blades of grass tickle her feet as she stretches out her legs, smoothing out her simple, flowy knee-length dress. A view of the forest spills out in front of her, underneath the vast open sky. The sun is starting to creep up over the trees, a growing line in the horizon.

Eva grabs the plain white square that she took with her and places it on her lap. The wind comes by and the sound of rustling leaves fill the air. She moves her hand in short, quick movements on the square, replicating the beautiful array of colours in the sky. Yellow, pink, orange and purple, all blended together. Time passes, and Eva is almost complete with her painting. Leaves rustle with greater strength and twigs crackle. Eva assumes it is just a trick of the wind. However, something is emerging from the trees behind her.

"Hello?" a voice breaks the still.

Eva stops. She turns around and is startled by the pair of bright, blue eyes that is looking right back at her brown eyes. "Who are you?" Eva asks softly. A flood of emotions washes over Eva; nervous, confusion, surprise. This is the first time that someone other than Eva has crossed the dark veil.

"Forgive me if I'm intruding here, but I was just exploring the park and happened to stumble across this clearing." A boy, around her age or slightly older says. Eva studies his figure. His auburn hair is swept to the side across his forehead. He wears his shirt tucked in his pants.

"The view is much beautiful up here," he looks up at the sky, only hints of pink left showing in the blue. Eva relaxes a little. The boy saunters across and sits by her, leaving about one metre of space.

"Did you make that?" he asks full of wonder and amazement, referring to her white square, which is now breathing colour and life. Eva's cheek flusters as not many people are able to see her creations.

"Yes, I did. This was the sky just moments ago."

"Eva," he says, reading her signature on the canvas. "It was a pleasure meeting you. I hope we meet again," he concludes with a slight smirk. And now, Eva sits, still all alone again.

He does not come back the next day. Eva wonders about the mysterious boy. I didn't even get his name. A few days later, she is greeted with a surprise as she arrives at her usual painting area in the park. Eva struggles to see what he is doing, as his back is facing her. The top of his hair is highlighted by the early morning sun, showing hints of blonde. The boy is here, he has arrived. Eva quietly moves forward. He sits, relaxingly, resting his back on the now-laid satchel bag.

"It's breathtaking up here," he says as she sits down by the lone tree. She notices he has a blank canvas in front of him. "Could you please teach me? Teach me how to apply colour to this?" Eva's spirits lift at his interest. So, she teaches him, starting off with basic hand forms. As they pack up to leave Eva mentions, "Oh, I never got your name?" The boy pauses and shows a lopsided smile.

"Williams. Alec Williams."

He returns every day, every sunrise to meet her. Alec Williams, his name, rings in Eva's head ever since she first heard it. Alec has improved his painting skills. Over the days, they share pieces of information about themselves.

"I came from overseas, from far away." Alec explains. "I never thought that I will be able to make a friend ever since I came here. But now I know it's true, and you're my first one, my first friend." Maybe even more than that.

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