Chapter 2

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The next day..
Kaduna state..


Jalil checked his emails before he finished the pending work. He darted his eyes to the lady in her mid 20's sleeping peacefully on his bed.

He silently cursed himself for what he did last night, he don't know what's wrong with him but anytime he sleeps with a girl, he'll feel it deep within him and he just can't stop himself, it's like his possessed or something!

He watched as she opened her eyes and landed them on him. She flashed him a smile and he quickly looked away standing up from the bed.

Pack your things and leave my house, now! He gritted walking towards his washroom.
Haba kaikuwa Mr jalil, I thought I'll spend 1 week here or even more" the girl muttered fluttering her eye lashes.

He stopped on his track and turned to look at her anger boiling into his veins.
I hired you for only last night and I paid you, just because I gave you the permission to stay up to now doesn't mean that I'm into you or something, so you better do yourself a favor and leave my house before I get out of the bathroom" he said pointing out his finger to her before angrily storming into the washroom.

She checked her account balance and saw he already transferred 2 million into her account, she grinned getting off the bed. She quickly packed her things, got dressed and find her way out of his big mansion.

He got out of the washroom shortly and when he saw she wasn't there, he heaved a sight walking into his closet.
He tried all his possible best to stop himself from jumping into every woman anyhow but he just didn't understand why something within him keeps pushing him.

He got dressed in his casual sky blue shirt and black trousers looking hot as always. He checked the time and it was already 10:20am, he pulled out his iPhone 8 and called his pilot informing him to get ready he'll be going to Abuja in a few.

He got out of his room descending down the stairs. The maid had already finished arranging his breakfast. They all greeted him and he answered shortly before sitting down on the dinning table eating his breakfast in silence,many things roaming around his heart.

When he was done, he walked out of the house and directly to his Mercedes Benz c-class and got in, the police men rushed to him as always sending their greetings before they got back into their cars, Lucas greeted him and started the engine and drove directly to the airport.
They met at the Airport and picked him, they drove directly to their house in Abuja which's meant for the three of them anytime they were together which they refer it to "A3's mansion"

Me girma gwamna kana jin dadinka fa" Malik laughed as they walked shoulders by shoulders into their huge mansion with every worker bowing down to greet them.

Kaiiii it's not easy fa, kune de kuke jin Dadin ku" Jalil argued as they sat in the large well furnished living room of the mansion.

So you think owning 20 companies in different countries in this world is easy right?" Hakeem blurted resting his legs on the center table.

Or you think being the only child of Mr president and owning an Airline is easy? Malik blurted out narrowing his eyes to jalil.

Woa! They're all not easy! Jalil surrendered with a laugh.

They talked for almost 2 hours mostly on their business before Jalil said he'll be going to visit his father and his stepmother and would be back After asr salah. They all agreed on that as their minds were on their offices. Jalil drove directly to Alhaji kabiru Jibo and Hajiya Bilkisa's residence while Hakeem and Malik went back to their various offices.
Immediately she was done with the day's lecture, she went back to her apartment.
Batool and Nooriya took a nap and woke up around 3:00pm, they did all the necessary house chores and in no time it was already 4:00pm, they prayed asr salah and decided to get ready for their outings.

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