Chapter 2 : "s u r p r i s e"

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Cyrus's POV:

I went to our school like I always do and meet up with Andi and Buffy. We went to the library to talk about school, I guess.

"So since tomorrow is the start of our one week vacation, what are you guys up to?" Andi asked looking at Me and Buffy.

"Well, I wanted to have like a camping with you guys and one person you want to bring, but I thought it was too much." I suggested and the faces of the two of them grew with a smile.

"That would be great! We'll start buying food tomorrow!" Andi and Buffy said at the same time and the three of us laughed.

The school bell rang and the three of us went to our classroom and we wanted to listen since tomorrow is the start of the vacation!

The teacher walks in with two books and a laptop, and behind her was Tj, the guy Buffy beat in their game. I waved at him and he smiled back. He sat beside me and I kinda feel weird. Like there's butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey underdog!" He teased and I just rolled my eyes. Listened to the teacher and didn't mind him even though he's a friend.

•••••• Some time later ••••••

"Thank you class and have a good vacation." The teacher said and went outside and we all cheered and looked kinda stupid.

Finally we can go home. Tj pulled my hand, I looked back and saw Buffy and Andi smiling and he walked and went to the gym.

"What are we supposed to here?" I ask in confusion and he smiled looking like a fool.

"Tomorrow's your birthday, right" He asked running away from me and I'm still very confused as to what he's up to.

[For all the fans of Andi Mack, please do not bash me till I cry, I just started watching Andi Mack so please politely tell me that I'm a stupid fu- anyways love yah]

"Yeah, so what's happening?" I asked looking at him still. He was pulling out a cardboard with paint that says
"Happy Birthday Underdog!". I feel my face heating up and instantly knew that I was blushing so I looked away.

"Oh my god, that's so sweet Tj!" Buffy said as they walk in the gym.

"But tomorrow is his birthday and you know that right?" Andi asks.

"Yeah, I know but I thought it would be tiring." He joked and the four of us sat down and eat the cake he brought.

"Wow, you really planned this huh?" I teased and he looked at me and smiled, seriously he's so cute!

After eating the cake the four of us went home and I didn't want to go home yet so I went to the playground with Tj. Its already evening? Wow.

"So what do you think of the surprise earlier? Was it okay?" He asked using the swing with me.

"Okay? That was so amazing! Like no one has ever done that to me, thank you for that by the way." I said looking at him. I stopped and remembered the camping.

"Uh, is something wrong?" He looked confused. I stood up and looked at him.

"Were going camping tomorrow. Do you wanna come with us?" I asked and he nodded yes, I waved goodbye and went home.

I never thought that he'll actually agree, but he did! This I guess will be the best trip that I'll be going to a trip with the basketball team captain! I'm like very very excited to go on this camping.

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