Stuck on you

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Things had been great ever since Stephen had been around the Avengers more it was like he kinda completed everything and brought things back together a bit. He was sorta the peace maker you could say.
They were all sitting in the living room playing "Just Dance" and Stephen was sitting next to Tony after Finishing a song.
"Nice energy Stephen" Tony said jokingly to him "Thanks I tried really hard" Stephen replied acting out of breath basically he did barely anything since he didn't like to the song. They both had a good laugh and told some jokes about the others while they were dancing.
The only thing was that it was extremely special to Stephen that every time he was around he could make Tony smile or laugh. The reason was because he had a major crush on Tony but he couldn't tell Tony that because he was afraid he would change everything. The love Stephen had for Tony was one he never thought he could feel. It was whenever he was around Tony or even thought about him he'd want to just hug him and never let him go but he also thought if he did Tony would never hug him back. These feelings Stephen felt he kept inside he kept them locked in a cage with thousands and thousands of chains held together by one small lock and the key, the key he kept hidden somewhere he knew he would never find it.
Everything was great and everyone was having an amazing time yet it was getting late and everyone was starting to leave Stephen offered to Tony to stay with him since he was really drunk but Tony declined and ensured Stephen he was gonna be fine and that Peter would take care of him and Peter agreed with Tony.

•~<Time skip >~•

Stephen was back at the Sanctum and was chatting with Wong.
"Hey Wong...can I ask you something?" Stephen said while looking at a book "yeah sure, what is it?" Wong replied getting ready for Stephen to probably rant about some rules with a spell "You ever like someone so much just wanna take them in your arm while their problems wash away because of it and you never want to let go?" Stephen asked. Wong stayed very silent he never would expect that of Stephen no pun intended but to Wong it was Strange. "Stephen? Did you put a spell on me or did you really ask me for love advice?" Wong questioned back "No I didn't put a spell on either of us of course I just asked you for love advice." Stephen said with serious kinda sarcastic tone "Stephen I'm taking you to the hospital I think you just lost all sense of reality" Wong said jokingly and Stephen loomed up from the book he had chosen to read to look at Wong "I'm serious come on man have you?" Stephen asked sounding a little desperate "Alright alright fine.....Yes I have once in high school why?" Wong told him actually wanting to possibly help him "Did you ever want to tell them but you couldn't?" Stephen asked him.
At this point Wong knew exactly who this really was about "Stephen is this about Tony?" Wong asked with a smirk on his face "H-How did you know?!?!" Stephen said embarrassed with his face turning a bright red. Stephen didn't think he had made it that obvious or that it was that obvious he was at a loss of words now again suck in thoughts. Stephen started to think what if  everyone knew? What if Tony knew? but his main thought was what if someone tells Tony?. At this point Stephen wanted to pass out but he was brought back to the reality by Wong yelling his name "Hey dude you alrig-" he was cut off by Stephen "Please Wong don't tell him Please!" The tall male stood up walking back and fourth in a panic "Hey hey Stephen settle down for a second your fine....I won't tell him I promise" Wong did his best to calm Stephen by getting up and standing in front of him and putting his hand on his chest. This was their way of making a promise to each other "like we said whatever is said in the Sanctum stays in the Sanctum" Stephen smiled at this and put his hand on Wongs chest in return "Thank you Wong" Stephen said as they put their hands back down to their side "Sure what are Best Friends for?" He replied and both had a good laugh.

Some time later The Avengers were having another get together party and they were acting like little Middle Schoolers and playing Ask or Dare which was like Truth or Dare but instead of someone having to tell the truth they have to answer a question.
It was Nats turn "This one is for.....Stephen!" She said as she pointed at him "Ask or Dare?" And Stephen wanting to be brave "I'll take on a dare" he said confidently said "Feeling a bit Ballsy huh?" Tony said smirking. Stephen laughed a bit at this "You bet Tony!" He said agreeing with him "Come Nat what ya got?" Stephen asked ready to do anything she dared "I Dare call your crush and tell them you like them!" Nat laughed she knew Stephens crush already was Tony and had always tried to get Stephen to tell him "So...wizard are afraid to do it?" Thor teased. Stephen felt as if he couldn't breathe his head spinning around like a hurricane he was stuck, he sat there and tuned out everything and everyone was calling him but he couldn't hear a thing he looked down at his phone which was taken out of his pocket and put in his had by Clint. Stephen couldn't do anything but look at it till he heard Tonys voice "Come on Stephen is it that embarrassing?" Stephen wanted just scream because it was, it was one of the most embarrassing things to him. Stephen couldn't take it anymore, he got up and walked outside and had let warm sun and a freash breath of air run through him like a wave of relief he just let out the rest of his tears and sobs because of how embarrassed he felt.

Tony's POV
I watched Stephen walk out with tears of possible stress roll down his face but I didn't know why. Why was he crying though? Did something bad happen between them? Or maybe something happened to his 'crush'? I had to go a check to see if he was ok he always did for me.
"Hey guys I'm gonna go check on keep playing" I said while getting up and walking out the cloak followed. I walked out to see Stephen sitting down looking up at the sky.
I began to walk towards Stephen but the cloak stopped me "what?" I whispered and it just gestured me to stay put as it went over to Stephen.

No ones POV
"Hey Cloaker" Stephen said weakly from crying and the Cloak wrapped around him like it was hugging him "I'm alright bud....i swear" The Cloak obviously didn't believe it and did It's best to at least get a smile outta Strange and it did plus a small laugh.
Finally the Cloak secretly waved Tony to come over. "Hey Stephen I just wanted to see of your ok? Is everything alright?" Tony asked him walking towards him and Stephen jumped a little not expecting Tony to be there "Oh hey Tony...Y-yeah I'm fine I swear" Stephen said with a shaky voice. The billionaire stared at him for a moment he didn't believe it he knows what stress is when he sees it "Come on...tell why did you freak out?" To my sat down next to Stephen.
"Its nothing I fine Tony" Stephen refused to tell him the truth he just couldn't he wanted to but he wouldn't he didn't want to be let down and he was afraid of rejection. Stephen sat there hesitating to even look at Tony "Stephen listen to me....I always tell you my problems and you help me with I'm returning the favor by trying to help you but I can't do that if you don't tell me" Tony looked at Stephen and noticed he was trying to say something but he was hesitating "Please Stephen....I promise I won't judge you or tell anyone" Tony finally convinced Stephen to tell him. "You sure?" Strange asked him and Tony nodded.

A bit later after that Stephen and Tony walked back in together and sat next to eachother."so?.....everything ok?" Nat asked feeling a bit bad "Yea I'm ok Nat...nothing to worry about" Stephen said.
Again it was getting late so everyone was leaving. Tony was holding the door open for Stephen since he was leaving last because everyone left an hour before he did because Stephen had sometime before he needed to be back at the Sanctum to meet Wong for a Best Friends night. As Stephen was leaving he was pulled back Tony but his shirt collar into a kiss. A wave of emotion went through the both of them. To both it felt like it lasted for hours but really it was only a couple of seconds. After ending it they looked each other in the eyes and smiled "I love you Tony" Stephen said with a small laugh "yeah I know....who doesn't?" Tony said jokingly and they shared a good laugh.
After Stephen left Peter had arrived and Tony had no choice but to tell him what happened because Peter could already tell by the fading blush on Tony's face something happened and soon enough the rest of the team found out and everything was normal as if nothing changed.

Oof this was a bit hard to write but I had fun writing it anyway! And I hope you had fun reading? Sorry I'm not good at writing things like this.
Anyway if you have any ideas for future oneshots then please tell me! And please tell me how I did and if I need to fix something in the future!
Ok bye!!

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