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So this  chapter will be based off of images I found on google so I hope you like it. They will be little moments Tony and Stephen have together so here we go!♥️

Image 1: Warm Touch
Tony was having a complete break down. He had a nightmare about Stephen dying right in front of him. He yanked himself up with sweat dripping from his head and breathing heavy. He then looked at Stephen peacefully sleeping but still he cried because he started to think what if what he saw was real and Stephen wouldn't be there. The thought consumed him as he quietly cried and held his head in his hand.
Stephen woke up shortly after Tony woke from the nightmare with a worried look on his face "Tony? What's wrong? What happened?" He said sitting up to look at Tony who refused to look back or even respond. Tony just cried more at the sound of Stephen's voice. "Hey.....Hey Tony it's ok....everything is ok" Stephen said trying to comfort his lover but it only seem to hurt Tony more.
Stephen then took Tony into his arms holding him as close as possible "See here don't worry I promise I would never leave..." Stephen said softly "You d-d-died..." Tony managed to get out through his sobs "No Tony I didn' right here."
Tony then hugged Stephen grabbing onto the back of his shirt as tight as he could while burying his face in his chest "I'm sorry...I'm sorry Stephen I'm sorry" Tony repeated over and over "Its ok Tony..." Stephen began to rub Tony's back and shhing him like a child. It seemed to work to work because he started to calm down and stopped crying. Stephens hands started to glow a orange reddish color. This sent a wave of calming warmth through Tony's body "I love you Stephen..." Tony said before falling back to sleep in Stephens arms "I love you to Tony..." Stephen said quietly laying them both back down and sleeping for the rest of the night.

Image 2: lovely days Tony and Stephen loved the often days they were clinged to eachother for no reason just to be close

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Image 2: lovely days
Tony and Stephen loved the often days they were clinged to eachother for no reason just to be close.
They were in a park together sitting on the grass on a blanket watching the sunset. Tony rested his head on Stephens shoulder still looking at the orange reddish sorta fading to a bluish purple color sky as it turned very slowly to night.
A few moments later Stephen put his hand on Tony's hand and Tony took his hand in return. "Stephen?.....what's up with Cloaker over there?" Tony asked seeing in the corner of his eye the Cloak circling a tree for some reason "Probably saw a squirrel or something? It really has a weird mind of it's own but some of it's character resembles a dog" Stephen explained and they both chuckled in agreement. Tony took his head off of Stephens shoulder and looked at him with a smile and Stephen returned the look.
They stared for a long while getting lost in eachother eyes till they both went into a passionate kiss as the sun completely set.

Thanks smolxchild1 for giving me the idea! Love u you innocent bean!♥️

Image 3: Moments Tony and Stephen had their good and bad moments but no matter the situation neither was forced to sleep on the couch

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Image 3: Moments
Tony and Stephen had their good and bad moments but no matter the situation neither was forced to sleep on the couch.
The day was nice and cool since it was getting closer to winter. Tony wore a sorta thin blue jacket with a hood and Stephen wore a light brown leather jacket with peach color fur around the neck, waist, and wrist.
They both were walking holding eachothers hand "Tony!" Stephen said acting as if something bad just happened and it stopped Tony from walking making Stephen stop "What is it?!" Tony asked in a worried tone "I-.....I-...." Stephen said grabbing his stomach in 'pain'.
Tony had no idea Stephen wasn't actually hurt cause well he was very good at convincing things "Stephen?!" Tony slightly yelled terrified that Stephen suddenly started acting like this. Honestly you'd think Tony would know that Stephen was acting but with his recent nightmares he's been a little on edge.
"I-....I love you!" Stephen said putting a smile on his face and laughing a bit but Tony wasn't having it. Tony turned his back to Stephen and crossed his arms "Oh come on babe I'm sorry" Stephen said in a sweet happy voice that was difficult for Tony to ignore but he did. Stephen wrapped his arms around Tony's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder "Tooony I'm really sorry please don't do this....again" Stephen said knowing he's done this way more than once. Tony took a moment to think and finally after hearing Stephen say "I'm sorry" and "I love you" multiple times he gave in and turned around with Stephens arms still around him "It's ok I love you to" Tony said with a smile "Finally that took forever" Stephen replied jokingly "Whatever" Tony said rolling his eyes with a chuckle.
Tony laid his on Stephens chest and Stephen decided to leave a kiss which was also an addition to his apology.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Alright that's it for now I have more ideas coming soon soon but some suggestions would help to!I know they are a little longer than I expected but I guess I just like to add stuff extra

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Alright that's it for now I have more ideas coming soon soon but some suggestions would help to!
I know they are a little longer than I expected but I guess I just like to add stuff extra.
Also! If your wondering why I'm calling Cloak of levitation 'Cloaker' it's just something my friend gave me to call it plus it's sorta gender fluid even though sometimes I will or might catch myself doing is saying 'she' or 'her' so I'm sorry if that happens at times I'll try catch myself on it.
Anyway hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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