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"Hello , this is Phantom's Pet Store! Please come in."

"Hey! Morning! Umm.."

"Are you looking for someone?"

" *mumbles* Yeah..but he's not by the telephone.."

"Welp , I've got work to do . Please feel free to look for the accessory you'd like ."

"Did he just wink?"


"How did he know I was coming for that?"


"Hmm these look cute , I guess."

"Ugghh he's still not there "

"I'm sad I thought I'd finally see him.."

"Oh, I love this one!"

"Um hey , sir! I picked that up first!!"

"Well , Howl ya doin' , ellie? Ha..ha.."


"Er , hi? Unhappy to see me?"


"Shush , you're in the store!"

"Your ears are red hehe

"So are yours ."

"Are not!! It's just your imagination!"



"S-sorry for the sudden hug . It was just nice to see you ."

"Oh man , I think I like you ."

Pet Store (Book #1 in BORED series! hxh Chrollo)Where stories live. Discover now