Chapter 3: Helen of Lilies

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"What if you forget to forget-me-not~*" Eleni sang as she, Caelus, and Stella walked through the Flora Forest, which was Helen's home. Helen was a sweet fairy from the Flora Tribe, and also Eleni's best friend. Eleni had wished that she could have brought Helen with her to the Human Realm, but she understood about the consequences. She was still a bit mad at Stella for not coming with her though.

Caelus was going on a slower pace than the other two. His stomach kept rumbling from borderline hunger at this point. How can they walk so much without getting tired and hungry???

"Aren't you guys hungry?" Caelus asked.

Eleni stopped to look at him, grinning. "Tee~hee~✩"


"OF COURSE I am!! But at least I have more strength than you! Are you stupid or what?!" Eleni suddenly burst.

"What are you so angry about?"

"You interrupted my singing!"

"Your singing??? Now I'm glad I interrupted you."

Eleni teared up a little. "You meanie...." Then she muttered, 'I hope you get eaten by a corrupted spirit...'

Just then, Eleni's wings released sparks as the wind changed its direction. Soon a terrifying noise came and an ugly monster appeared, dark aura was radiating from it, and it smelled horrible, like rats burp after gobbling up a rotten egg.

"What the heck is that?!" Caelus asked in shock.

"Th-th-that's a corrupted spirit! It's the soul of a fairy who lived an evil life! Or-or-or of a good one stained by a corrupted spirit! The only one who can defeat it is someone from the Flora Tribe. I must say, I'm glad we're in this forest!" Stella said.

"Who-who summoned it in the first place?!" Eleni stepped back with panic. She was sweating and trembling. "Eeek! Don't come near me!"

"Huh?! Wasn't it you?!" Caelus looked at her with annoyed eyes.

"A-Aurora fairies do not have that sort of ability!" Eleni replied with fear as she trembled at the thought of what the corrupted spirit might do to them.

"..." Stella was thinking something.

"Stella, do something!!" Eleni said.

"Err...right! I'll go look for a Flora fairy! Chances are I can even find Helen!" Stella flew off quickly.

The corrupted spirit looked at Caelus and Eleni hungrily, and immediately decided it would end Caelus's whole career. It proceeded to make a hissing sound, as dark steam came out from its mouth. The steam surrounded his target completely and raised him to the air, and Caelus felt as if needles were crushing him. He spit blood, and his whole body ached like crazy.

"CAELUS!!!" Eleni shouted. But she was too afraid to do anything. She couldn't fight as fighting was not an Aurora fairy's specialty. The corrupted spirit turned towards Eleni and grabbed her.

"Kyaaaa! No! Please! Stop!" she yelled. She was feeling horrible inside, and trembling with fear. The corruption of the soul was tainting her with many negative emotions.

Dear Eleni...

Come here... Come here...

Oh no...

What have you done?

'Ritual of a Hundred Lilies.'

As soon as a familiar voice was heard, hundred lilies with scattering petals spiraled around and enveloped the corrupted spirit, extinguishing it with a light blast. Eleni was about to fall to the ground but she balanced herself quickly in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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