Author's spitting out her Saliva

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Well, hello there my beautiful fans! *takes a bow* thank you, thank you.

Ehem, well I suppose the time has come for me to introduce myself. It is I, La extraña dama loca!

So anyways, it's my first time making a potion so this might explode, taste deliciously, or taste ugly but still works fine.

Basically, I'm only an apprentice of those great wizards that teleports people to great places from their ugly reality.

Anyways, I hope this potion of mine will taste fine once it's finished and I hope you'll love the place where it would teleport you and the events taking place there as you possess the girl of sass in there!

*coughs* You're going to be *coughs* my victim *coughs* MWUA--

I told you to take your medicines before we shoot this clip! You even forget to change from your Dora Pj's 'evil apprentice'

Shut up you imbecile-that-sounds-like-me. Anyways, where was I? Oh right! Evil laugh.


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