2. Mr. Driver

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After breakfast and all that, Grey and I went to the garage to ride our white Maserati GranCabrio-

Cocky much? They didn't need to know that you know.

Oh shut up. (Cue mental eye roll) I'm proud about it okay?

Okay, okay. I'm raising my hands now, no need to go all Godzilla on me.

Anyways! As I was saying, we were halfway to school when I noticed a moving-truck beside our ride.

Well it's not really the truck that caught my attention, it's the driver. He's wearing a fancy suit with complete tie and coat.

Although the tie is kinda untied.

Can't you just shut up while I narrate my life?

Sure. Ziiiip


Now, back to the matter at hand, the guy-if you can consider him that with his youthful feature, he's probably a teen- is wearing a suit. A FREAKING SUIT! Like who the hell is on their right mind to wear clothes like that in this temperature?

Apparently, it's this guy-teen I mean. But maybe he's not on his right mind like you are.

And what do you mean by that? My mental health is completely fine and I'm not a loca-loca.

Says the one who's talking to herself.

You got a point there my dear frenemy.

"-and so Lizzie said 'I'm not an idiot Markus, you are!' and he replied 'No I'm not. I'm very smart. I'll prove it to you' then she said-Hey are you even listening Elle?" Grey's tap on my shoulder brought me back from the argument I'm having with my brain.

"You are being creepy there Elle, like why are you staring at the poor guy?" I shake my head, realizing I have been staring at the guy for far too long. I didn't even notice I was staring and why the hell are we still not moving from this stupid ass traffic?

"Hey Elle? Are you still there, are you alive or am I sitting with a zombie?" Grey asked.

"Yes I'm still Elle and am not a zombie. Sorry. I was just arguing with my conscious because of that man who's wearing a suit during this hot weather. Anyways, what did Lizzie said? And who's Lizzie? O MY GOSH is she your girlfriend? Why didn't you tell me? I'm gonna smack you now for that." I said in one breath.

Then the next 3 minutes was spent by me smacking him and him sputtering out all kinds of curses possible. "Hey-ouch-stop. Elle stop! We're gonna die!"

"What do you mean we're gonna die? I see no grim reaper you liar" says me while continuing to have fun hitting him.

Yes, I truly love my brother and that's why I'm hurting him. I'm the best sister! I should receive an oscar next time I visit the states.

"We're gonna die because the traffic has just moved and I'm the one driving the car-ouch!"

"Well I guess that's reasonable. " I stop hitting him as I reach out for the Piattos in his bag. "Anyways, did dad gave you some money? I didn't really packed my lunch today so I was wondering if you could treat me." I said through my full mouth. Gross, I know.

"Sure I'll treat you, you poor lil' kid" he said sending me a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"Sorry, I shoudn't have mentioned him. I forgot it was a t-"

"Don't worry about it sis. It doesn't matter. And by the way, your prince charming is now staring at you" he dismissed with a wave of his hand, changing the topic.

"Prince charming who?" I asked then he pointed to something at my right. Following his finger, I caught sight of Mr, Driver staring at me before snapping his head to the front fast, as if he doesn't wanna get caught. But unfortunately for him I saw it.

Strange. Did Mr. Driver want to start a staring contest? And why does he look familiar?


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