Mysterious New Girl

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      The sound of rain battering on the window is what awoke Melody. At first, the rain was violent, but it simmered down over the hours. Melody sat on her canopied bed with a cup of pleasant, hot tea. She had gotten dressed long ago, wearing a baggy, tan sweater, black skinny jeans, and knee-high boots. She had yet to do her hair so she stood and walked over to her mirror that hung in her bathroom. She decided to throw it in a low braided ponytail for the day. She glanced back at the clock that was sitting on her dresser by her bed. She decided that now would be a good time to walk to school before the rain picked back up. She quickly made her bed, making her pillows visible, and grabbed her bag. Her mother had already left for work so she was the only one to be left at the house. She locked the door behind her and sauntered off to school.

      When Melody stepped foot onto school ground, she could already tell that today would be eventful. Melody felt that she was different, but how she knew she was different, she could feel when something were to happen. Sometimes she couldn't tell exactly what was going to happen, like in this instance, but she knew whatever it was, would be an adventure. She made her way over to her normal spot on the benches right outside the cafeteria window. She spotted her best friend, Bailee Murphy, and waved her over, "Hey! How was your summer?"

Bailee settled next to the auburn haired female and sighed, "It was eventful, I'll say that much."

Melody turned towards the blonde and looked at her with a pinch of confusion. Soon she understood, "Your brother went off to military camp, didn't he?"

Bailee furrowed her eyebrows together, "How did you know?"

Melody gave a soft smile, "Your eyes gave it away."

Bailee sat up, amused by how her friend did that, "Okay, whatever you say. It still amuses me everytime you do that."

Melody felt herself smile involuntarily, "I don't know what you mean." The two girls let out a chuckle at the others facial expressions.

It was Bailee who stopped laughing first, "Yeah, my brother went off to military camp. My mom didn't want him to go; frankly, I didn't want him to leave either but it was his decision. I'm just glad I can have at least 9 hours of freedom."

Melody smiled softly once more, "I should get inside, theatre practice."

Bailee nodded in an understanding manner, "Yeah, yeah. Go on you dork. See you first hour." Melody gave a knowing look and walked inside to the drama room.

      Melody got thirty minutes of practice in which is more than she usually gets. She walked into her first class of the day and almost immediately felt a different aroma. Ignoring it for now, she sat in her seat beside Bailee and gave her an angelic smile, "So, any clue on what we are doing today?"

Bailee nodded towards the board which told her they were doing a project. Melody was ecstatic, Bailee,  on the other hand, didn't seem so pleased, "I can't believe we are doing a project on the first day back to school. We haven't even learned anything new yet!"

Melody gave a casual smile and placed her hand on Bailee's shoulder, "I have a feeling you'll enjoy this project."

Bailee scoffed as the teacher walked in, "Good morning class. My name is Mrs. Norwood. I will be your 10th grade English teacher this year."

Bailee's hand shot up as the teacher pointed at her, "If you don't mind my asking, what happened to Ms. Traci?"

The teacher gave a pleasant smile, "Ms. Traci moved to Evergreen Secondary School. She decided she wanted to try out a different school!" Bailee nodded and Mrs. Norwood continued, "Now as you can see, you will be doing a project. I can promise you this will be fun, for this is a 'Get to know you' project. You will be making a presentation on, well, yourself. Sound fun?"

The majority of the class murmured their thoughts on the project but Melody nodded, "It does sound fun!" A few kids in the back groaned.

Suddenly, there was a light tapping on the door. Mrs. Norwood walked over to answer it, only to introduce a female with long, raven colored hair, "Class. This is Nadia Greenstone. She's transferred here from Somerset Highschool. Let's give her a nice welcome." A few kids in the back unenthusiastically said 'Hi' but Melody gave a courteous smile and a small wave. Nadia didn't say anything but sat down in the back. 

      Lunchtime rolled around and Melody was starving. She hadn't eaten anything for breakfast due to practicing in the drama room. She knew she should have eaten but it was lunch now and her problem was about to be solved. She sat down at her usual table and awaited Bailee's arrival. She had sensed a familiar presence behind her so she whipped her head around to see Nadia walking past her, "Nadia. You can come sit over here if you like."

Nadia snickered, "Thanks, but no thanks. I prefer to sit alone."

Bailee sat down beside Melody, "Geez, what's her problem?"

Melody continued looking at Nadia, as to figure her out before she turned towards Bailee, "She's new. She's probably just uncomfortable and nervous. You were new once too, remember."

Bailee groaned, "Yes I remember but I wasn't bitchy like she's being." Bailee's comment earned her a smack on the arm, "What? It's true."

Melody rolled her eyes at her friend's comment, "True or not true, it isn't nice to say. I'm sure she'll come around. But I will say this, there is something so intruiging about her."

Bailee smirked, "Don't go fantasizing about the new girl now. It wouldn't be nice."

Melody gave a child-like smile and rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh hush. I'm serious, there is something off about her and I will figure it out."

Bailee shoved one of Melody's fries in her mouth, "Maybe she's lesbian and being over here would make her nervous."

Melody gave a sigh, "I don't know but I'll find out. Just you watch!"

It was Bailee's turn to roll her eyes, "You do that." Melody grinned widely as she ate some of her fries.

A/N: Hey there. So, some background information on where I got the idea for this book. I was joking around with my friend this morning saying 'What if I just made a book and randomized everything. Title, Genre, main characters, and plot.' so during second hour I decided 'Why the hell not' which brings you this book! 'The Girl of Rainbows.' 

Also shout out to @cuxxles for the amazing book cover!

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