Something Strange About the New Girl

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It was the ending of last hour, there were only a few moments until the dismissal bell rang. Bailee sat on the top of Melody's desk, looking down at what she was doing, "You're writing again?" Melody looked up at Bailee with an unamused look on her face, "You know I write when I'm stressed." Bailee hopped off of her desk but continued to lean over it, "So, what's today's writing prompt about." Melody gave a chortle, Bailee made it seem like she's written thousands of short stories, "So there's this dystopian universe where there is a section for the bad kids and for the good kids. And in the sections, they figure out what they should do with their lives based on their personality." Bailee opened her mouth to speak but the bell interrupted her. Melody gathered her things and walked side by side out of the school, "Are coming over today?" Bailee gave a light chuckle, "Well of course I am. You are the only one I truly like at this godforsaken school." Melody let out an airy laugh, "Okie Dokie. Well, in that case, I have to stop by the drama room to get some art supplies for the project." Bailee walked alongside her, "Okay then. Is James there today?" Melody nudged Bailee slightly, "Yes he is." A blush crept onto Bailee's pale complexion causing her cheeks to have a rosy look, "Oh hush." Melody smiled brightly noticing Bailee's look. For as long as Melody could remember, Bailee has had a crush on James. James and Melody grew up next door to each other, they were practically siblings, "I'll see if he might want to walk home with us." Bailee's face was redder than a tomato on a hot summer day. Melody gave a laugh as she walked into the drama room, unsurprisingly, James was sitting on the stage, "Hey Mel, hey Bai." He flashed a smiled, Bailee blushed at the nickname he gave her, "Hi." Melody looked at her friend and rolled her eyes in a playful manner, "Hey James. I was just here to pick up some art supplies. Do you plan on walking home with us?" He didn't take his eyes off of his script but shook his head, "Not today, sorry." Melody smiled, "No need to apologize." James nods and gives a sincere smile, "Alright. You two please be safe on the way home." Melody smiles and gives him a quick hug, "Always. See you later!" Bailee and Melody walked out the door leaving James to study.

Melody took her key out of her school bag and put it in the keyhole, unlocking the front door. As she opened the door, she spotted a small brunette running towards her as her little brother hugged her legs, "Hey bub. How was your first day of pre-school?" Melody set down her stuff and bent down, ready to listen to what her younger brother had to say, "It was good. I made a few new friends. I met this really pretty girl who is also my friend." Melody smiled as she heard this statement, "Oh. What's this little girl's name?" A small blush came across his cheeks, "Lailah. She's really nice. She likes drawing too!" Melody smiled and lifted him up, "Well, that's great. I'm glad you made some friends. Where's mommy?" Raegen pointed in the direction of the laundry room, which is where their mother most likely was. Melody set Raegen down and walked over to the laundry room where her mother was switching the clothes around, "Hey mom!" Her mother raised up and gave a soft smile, "Hey sweetheart. How was your first day back?" Melody gave a sincere, yet tired, smile, "It was good. We got a new student. Her name is Nadia. She's pretty interesting, to say the least." Her mother gave her a broad smile, "Well, is she nice?" Melody shrugged, "As I said, interesting." Her mother shook her head playfully and Melody leaned against the door, "Bailee is here, we are going to work on our project together." Her mother gave an approving smile, "Okay and remember, " Melody shifted to show her mother she was listening, "No matter what others say about the new girl. If they say she is a rebel. Says she's popular or too good to hang out with you, remember, labels are for soup, not human beings." Melody smiled, showing she understood, "I know. I should get to Bailee so we can start working." Her mother nodded as Melody turned to the kitchen once more, "C'mon, let's get started." Bailee followed Melody upstairs into her room. Melody sat her bag down and got out a few pencils, some markers, colored pencils, and her favorite eraser. She then walked to her closet, reaching in and pulling out two poster boards, "Here we are. I always keep posterboard in my closet for emergencies." She gave a sly smirk as Bailee stood, her mouth agape. She then closed it into a smile, "You will never cease to amaze me." Melody put her hands on her hips, "I know. Ready to start?" Bailee sighed, "I guess so."

An hour or so had gone by and the girls decided to take a small break. They were currently posted up on Melody's bed, eating chips and listening to music. Bailee was on her computer when she shrieked suddenly, causing Melody to almost spill the salsa, "What? What is it?" Bailee turned her computer to face Melody as Melody noticed she had stumbled across the new girl's page, "You really shouldn't be stalking the new girl, it's impolite." Bailee rolled her eyes at her friend's remark, "First off, I wasn't stalking her, she was a suggested friend. Second, read some of the poems she posts." Melody sighed, giving in and began to read one of the poems which read, 'Abstract girl, paint by number world.' Melody found herself reading all of these posts from her when she came across a certain one which caught her eye. 'All that was left in her mind was static.' Melody tried scrolling up to read more but that was the very last post of her's. She finally looked up from the trance she was in, "Wow, she's a good writer. Better than I am at least." Bailee shook her head in disbelief, "Maybe you're right. I misjudged her. But as good as she is at writing poems, no one is a better story writer than you." Melody smiled but shook her head in disagreement, "Not even J.K. Rowling." Bailee stuffed a chip her mouth and smiled, "You're right. She does have you beat. Just by a smidge." Melody and Bailee laughed softly at each other when a light tapping was to be heard, "Hey Bailee, your mom called. She wants you home." Bailee smiled, "Thanks Ms. S." She turned toward Melody who was still eating chips, "See you at school." Melody nodded, "Yep. See you tomorrow!" Bailee headed out the foor, "I love you!" Melody gave a soft giggle, "Love you too, be safe!" And with that, Bailee headed home and Melody headed to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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