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No One POV~

"Here's the paper. Check for your own group turns!" The staff gave Gfriend and others group a piece of paper. "Our turn is after Astro. So get ready. It's the 6th performers." Sowon said to the other members. The members nodded and just let sit at the couch. "Ah Sowon unnie. When's BTS turn?" Sinb asked. Sowon take a look at the paper once again. "After Red Velvet. The 3rd performers." She said. Sinb sighed. "Gumawoo unnie." She said while the eldest smile at her and patted her back.

After a while, they could hear a knock that is coming from their own door. "I'll get that." Yerin said and goes to the door and opens it. When she opens, her smiley face has gone and it has become serious. "Unnie, duguseyo?" Yuju asked her. Two girls came in to the room with a signed album in one of their hands. "You." Sinb said while standing. "Okay one two three, Happiness. Anyeonghaseyo urineun Red Velvet imnida." They both said in unison. "Omo Yerinnie it's been a long time I haven't meet you. Bogoshippeo!" A tall girl ran to Yerin and hug her. Yerin hugged her back.

"Me too Joy!" She said. Gfriend members are smiling to Joy but when it comes to the other girl. They smile became faded. The girl face become so innocent and she knows how to act. "Sunbaenims. I got you our new album. Please listen to Power Up to power up your energy sunbae." The girl gave the album to Sinb. Sinb hesitate to take. "Yeah, it will stuck in your head especially the banana part. Right Yeri?" Joy said. Yeri put on the fakest smile ever to Sinb and she nodded. "Are you acting right now?" Sinb asked her.

She make herself doesn't know anything. "What do you mean Sunbae? I don't understand." Yeri said with her confuse acting face. Sinb scoffed. Eunha stand up and stand next to Sinb. "Stop all of your acting Yeri." Eunha said. Joy face become so confuse when Sinb and Eunha attack Yeri. "Wow what's happening?" She asked with confuse. "You should ask her own unnie." Umji stood up while looking at Yeri. "Wae geure sunbae yaa?" Yeri asked again with her innocent face.

"Redeu Belbet! It's your turn time." The announcer said from the speaker. "Ahh Yerim aaaa they called us. Kajja." Joy said and bowed to Gfriend. "Yeah unnie. We should go." She said and looking at Joy who is now outside the room. Yeri looked back at Gfriend and smirked. "Good luck." She said and goes out without bowing. As the door closed, Yuju stood up and say "YAA! SHE IS REALLY A BAD BITCH!" "Yuna! Your language!" Sowon warned her.

"Yes. She's really a bad bitch." Umji said supporting her unnie. All of them look at Umji. "When Yewon said bad bitch that's mean she is really are." Sowon said while closing her own mouth which is shocked by the maknae words. "Relax okay. Let's wait on the next move that she will make." Yerin say. All of them nodded and monitoring the TV that is in the room.

"Hwang Eunbi." Umji called her. "Hmm?" The same age as her answered in a hum. "Look at Yeri wrist." She said. "Wae?" Sinb change her sight from the phone to the TV. "Wait until her parts." They were waiting for the girl part. "CHOGII!" Umji scream. "Did you see that?" She asked again. Sinb looked at Umji with confusion. "It's your freaking bracelet that Jungkook gave you!" She said.

Sinb's POV~

At this point, I stood up and quickly checked on the table. "Do you have it?" Sowon unnie asked. I searched every corner and the middle section of the table. I shooked my head. "No no no. It can't be!" I said. "She took it when we were looking at Joy! Beside she was standing near at the table." Eunha unnie said. I sighed. "We must get it before their fans noticed it and started a rumor that they both dated! And Jungkook is wearing it too." Yuju unnie say. "Their turn has finished guys!" Umji yelled. "BTS Sunbaenims are getting ready on the stage." She continues.

"We have to tell Jungkook to open it for a while." Sowon unnie say. "Damn. I'll go there." I said while Yuju unnie is walking towards me. "Here I will come with you." She said and I nodded. Both of us running through the hall as fast as we can and finally we reach the stage. "No.. they have go up on the stage." I said while still trying to catch my breath. "Dammit. Come let's go to Red Velvet waiting room!" Yuju unnie said while grabbing my wrist and ran again.
Yeri's POV~

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