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A/N you can thank Tittymitty for this irregular update time but also read her fics and tell her how good they are because I need her to keep to her word when she says she's gonna update 

Jaime pounced on Lauren the instant she arrived on Monday morning, and Lauren had a suspicion that she'd arrived two hours early for the specific purpose of bombarding her with questions about her dinner with Joey.

"So, how did your date go?" she said, almost jumping up and down in her excitement.

"It wasn't a date."

When Jaime didn't say anything, Lauren figured she had to at least give her friend something, or the girl would never let her leave.

"We had a really nice time."

"Did you kiss?"

"Jaime!" she exclaimed. "No, we didn't kiss." She definitely wasn't going to tell her about how he had almost kissed her when he drove her home. Or, for that matter, how he had almost kissed her in her apartment on Saturday. In fact, she was glad that Jaime wasn't going to find out he'd been over to her place at all.

Jaime clearly knew something was up, though. "You like him, don't you?" she pressed.

Lauren paused, wondering whether she should come clean, but she knew that she hesitated too long when Jaime squealed.

"I knew it!"

"Yeah, but it's nothing. I'm happy just to be his friend."


"Okay, fine. I'd like there to be more. But maybe he wouldn't."

"Lauren, he left you a note that he liked you!"

With a start Lauren realised that Joey must have told her that, because she certainly hadn't. She made a note to tell Joey to shut up around Jaime in future.

"He might have meant it as a friend!" she argued. She knew that wasn't true, but she was hoping Jaime wouldn't.

"Are you kidding me?" Apparently not.

"I'm just not ready for him to leave me, Jaime," she blurted.

"What?" her friend asked, frowning.

She sighed. She should have known this was coming, but she'd been hoping she'd have been able to keep it to herself a little longer. "He graduates in July. Which means once this year's over, he's gonna go back to California, and I'm never gonna see him again. So what's the point in letting myself fall in love with him?"

Jaime's mouth opened to say something but then she closed it, giving her a sympathetic look as she obviously struggled for words.

"Yeah," Lauren said, and walked back out to the counter.

Jaime was clearly trying to make it up to her, because she came out and started helping her with the coffee orders even though her shift wasn't starting yet.

Every time the bell rang, Lauren's head snapped up to see who had walked in, and it wasn't until it was almost the end of her shift that she realised it was because Joey hadn't come in.

Jaime had noticed her doing it too, and as much as she tried to restrain herself she couldn't stop herself from making comments about Lauren pining after Joey. Lauren just glared at her, more worried about where Joey was. He never missed a day, and he'd even promised her he would be in today. Was he sick?

She was just about to ask Jaime if she'd mind her leaving ten minutes early so she could go and text Joey, when the boy in question came running in, panting.

He slowed when he spotted her, relieved, and rested his hands on his knees when he got to the counter.

"I'm sorry, I woke up late but I ran all the way here so I wouldn't miss you," he said breathlessly.

"You could have just texted to say you weren't gonna make it in today."

"Can't have you missing your favourite customer," he said, grinning at her.

She quickly made his coffee, ignoring Jaime's eyes watching the two of them.

"Sorry I can't stop now, but you're coming to the Basement rehearsal tonight, right?" he said in a rush.

She nodded, beaming.

"See you then," he said, running out of the shop, clutching the lid to his coffee so it wouldn't spill. Lauren escaped into the back room before Jaime could say a word to her.

Later that evening, she followed the familiar route through campus to rehearsal. It was strange being back at U of M after two years, but it still felt like a sort of home to her.

Joey jogged up to her when she walked in, enveloping her in a tight hug, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he pulled away. She felt her heart flutter at this new form of affection, but she tried to ignore it as Joey turned and introduced her to the rest of the room.

"This is Lauren, she's agreed to help us out with choreo."

She smiled around at everyone, and then took a seat to watch the rehearsal. It brought back floods of memories of the shows she was in here, and it was also fascinating to watch Joey perform.

She closed her notebook as they finished their run through, already having ideas for the dance numbers after seeing what they'd put together so far and hearing some of the music.

"You were so good!" she exclaimed to Joey as he came over to her. He waved a hand modestly.

"You ready to go?" he asked, picking up her bag for her. She tried to take it from him but he slung it over his shoulder. She looked at him challengingly but he just smiled at her and took her hand to pull her along after him.

As they walked he linked his fingers with hers, and she thought contentedly that she could get used to this. Then she realised what she just thought and took a sharp intake of breath. Joey looked down at her questioningly but she shook her head and smiled, then diverted his attention to a conversation about the time she fractured her finger during a Basement show.

They were almost to her apartment when she asked curiously, "So, where do you live?"

He pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "Not too far. About two blocks back."

She stopped, bringing him to a halt too, and looked up at him. "You don't have to walk me all the way home you know."

"Lo, it's dark, I'm not letting you walk by yourself."

She knew he wasn't going to relent so they carried on walking again, her holding his hand a little more tightly.

All too soon they reached her front door.

"Thank you for helping out," he said.

"Thank you for asking me." She took a step closer to him, taking his other hand in hers. "You reminded me that I can still do something worthwhile."

"You have no idea how incredible you are," he murmured incredulously under his breath. She couldn't say whether he'd meant for her to hear it or not, but she let go of his hands to put her arms around his waist, clinging tightly to him. His arms wrapped around her and he rested his chin on the top of her head.

She leaned back slightly to look at his face. The orange of the streetlights just barely lit his features. She reached one hand up to trace the edge of his face and down his jaw. His grip on her tightened and he pulled her body closer to his.

Her heart rate picked up when she saw the look in his eye. She licked her lips involuntarily, and she watched his gaze fixate on the movement. He began to duck his head down and she squirmed in his arms. He immediately released her, taking a step back, trying to disguise the hurt on his face.

She looked up at him, searching for a way to explain to him how badly she wanted to be with him, but how much it was going to hurt her.

"Goodnight, Lauren," he said before she could speak, backing away with a sad smile.

She stepped inside, keeping eye contact with him until the door shut, separating the two of them.

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