Conciliatory Cookies

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Lauren's alarm went off at half four the next morning. She turned it off quickly, hoping that she hadn't woken Joey, but he rolled over to face her, a sleepy smile on his face as he kissed her good morning.

She stroked his hair back from his forehead. "Go back to sleep JoJo," she whispered, climbing out of bed.

But he had gotten out of bed too, pulling a clean t-shirt from his drawers as she wriggled into her shorts.

"What are you doing?" she said, halfway through buttoning up her shirt.

He stepped into his jeans and came over to do up the rest of her buttons for her.

"Walking you to work," he said, bending down to kiss her cheek.

"You're going to be tired later," she said, shaking her head at him.

He gave her a lopsided grin. "Some things are worth it."

They joined hands instinctively as they walked to the coffee shop, and Lauren wondered why they hadn't figured their relationship out sooner. Then she realised that she probably owed Joey an apology.

"I'm sorry for not kissing you before," she said sheepishly, looking up at him.

He glanced at her, an amused smile on his face. "That's okay."

"No, it wasn't fair on you. But there was a reason."

She took a deep breath, her pace slowing, and he ran his thumb over the back of her hand as he waited for her to continue.

"I was scared to be with you because I didn't want you to break my heart when you left me to go back to California."

She snuck a glance up at him to see his reaction, and his face was written over with anguish.

"But we don't need to worry about that now," she said hurriedly, before he could take the subject further. She didn't want to think about it. They still had six months together yet, and she wasn't about to waste that time thinking about how sad they were going to be once it was over.

They'd reached the coffee shop, and he followed her round the back as she opened up, then pulled up a seat at the counter. She got him a coffee which she insisted was on her, and they chatted as the sun came up, bathing the room in golden light. The conversation was only interrupted once the first trickle of customers came through, and then Lauren would repeatedly come back to Joey between orders to press a swift kiss to his lips.

Unfortunately for her, her boss arrived that morning just as she did so for the countless time that day.

"Lauren, a word?"

She pulled away from Joey with a dejected sigh and followed her boss into the back.

"I've seen this boy hanging around the counter every day and I let it slide, but now it's affecting your work. It's got to stop," she told her firmly.

"It was just a kiss!" Lauren argued.

"It's unprofessional!" her boss shouted, and Lauren knew she'd overstepped. "If I have to ban him from coming here then I will, but I don't want to see that again. Understood?"

Lauren nodded, looking at her feet, and then she was sent back out to do her work.

She didn't look at Joey for the rest of her shift, and he eventually got the hint because he dropped her a tip and then left. She hated doing this to him, but she could feel her every move being watched and she couldn't risk even a fleeting few words with him.

"You've got mascara under your eyes," Jaime pointed out as they ran into each other as they changed shift.

Lauren cursed Joey for not spotting it and helping her out, her cheeks flushing, praying that Jaime wouldn't figure out the implications of that.

"You didn't go home last night, did you?" her friend said with a smirk.

"I didn't go home yesterday at all, actually," she mumbled under her breath.


"Can we shut up, please?"

"I told you! You should be thanking me!"

Lauren rolled her eyes, leaving before Jaime could start asking her for details. She checked her phone as she walked home to find a text from Joey.

'Did she give you a hard time?'

'Nothing I didn't deserve. Maybe it's best if you stay away for a few days x'

She knew the kiss did nothing to soften the blow, but she didn't know what else to suggest.

Following her advice, Joey didn't come in for the next two mornings, and it was torture. Even more so now they were together she longed for his presence, which always made her whole day better. When business was slow she missed having him to talk to and laugh with to pass the time, and when she was rushed off her feet it was difficult not to have his encouraging smile and willing pair of hands to help her out.

She did at least see him again on Thursday evening, for another Basement rehearsal, where she spend most of the time trying to focus on the group's routine instead of staring at Joey. On Friday night they went to see a movie together, curled up the same way they had been when they had watched a movie at her house. They acted almost the same together now as they had before, just with a little more physical affection, and Lauren couldn't help but marvel again at how long it had taken them to realise this progression of their relationship was inevitable. She was grateful for how close she and Joey had become. But those few hours spent with him still weren't enough.

On Saturday he was back, and she beamed when she walked in the door. She tried not to pay much attention to him; he sat at a table in the corner and their only interaction was when they met eyes across the room and smiled at each other, or when she went across to get him a coffee refill. But when he came up to return his mug, she couldn't stop herself from leaning across the counter to kiss him.

She didn't think twice about it until her boss stopped her on her way out.

"Lauren, this is your last warning. I've had complaints from customers about your behaviour."

She opened her mouth to protest but knew it wouldn't do any good. She was angry at herself, but she was also irrationally angry at Joey. It wasn't his fault that she couldn't keep her hands to herself around him, but it was very easy to blame him.

He was waiting for her out back, with plans to go back to her apartment and watch Netflix. He immediately went to reach for her hand when she came out, but stopped short when he saw her expression.

"What's wrong, Lo?"

"I'm going to end up losing my job because of you, Joey!"

He frowned, but then realised the problem. "You're the one that kissed me!" he said.

She let out a growl of frustration and turned on her heel, stalking off without him.

She regretted it as soon as she got home, and threw herself onto the sofa, head in her hands. Joey was the best thing to ever happen to her, and now she'd pushed him away. She wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want to speak to her again after how she'd behaved. But then she had an idea.

Two hours later she turned up on his doorstep with cookies. She was half expecting him to turn her away, but as soon as he saw her he pulled her into a hug, before she even managed to get her apology out.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It's not your fault. Please forgive me?" she said when he released her.

He took the container of cookies from her with a grin. "I think I can manage that."

He opened the lid, passing her a cookie and then grabbing one for himself, and she followed him inside gratefully. At least now she knew another way to forgiveness.

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