ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ || ʟᴇᴛ's ʙᴏᴜɴᴄᴇ

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Two days ago, we were asked to make a choice. A choice that could destroy us all. Or that could save the world. I'm doubting my agreement, but as I'm leaning on the railing of the Tellun's Pride II, on my way to Zhong, I think it's just a tad too late to back out.


I turned slowly, preparing to send the unwelcome interruption away with a negative comment. The words immediately froze on my tongue when I recognized Zay.

"What are you doing here?" I spluttered, caught off guard.

Zay rolled her eyes. "It's a small ship."

I bristled. "You know what I mean."

"Do I?" Zay leaned on the railing beside me.

Tellun, she could be so irritating! I rolled my eyes. "I meant, what are you doing here, behind me? You most certainly don't want to talk to me. You've been avoiding me."

She waved away the accusations. "I haven't been avoiding you. I've been avoiding everyone. Not everything is about you, your highness."

I scowled. "Don't call me that. Why are you avoiding everyone?"

"It's called being antisocial, genius."

I clenched my teeth as she continued.

"But, of course, her highness wouldn't understand that some people would want some alone time."

"That's not fair," I protested.

But Zay didn't seem to have heard me as she added, "yes, her highness always needs to be social, fluttering around like a butterfly, and sticking her nose in other people's business!"

"What are you on about?" I crossed my arms almost protectively over my chest. "Zay—"

"Don't Zay me!" She snapped. "You should not have seen anything that you saw! Those memories are private! All memories are private!" Her eyes were fierce and her face was so close to mine that I could smell her breath. It was surprisingly minty.

So that's what this was about.

Back on our last mission, the Silver Wolf talisman had granted me a vision. Or rather, a memory. I'd puzzled over it for a long time, but was unable to figure it out on my own. So I'd asked my team. Lo and behold, I'd found out that the memory was Zay's. And, well, we hadn't talked about it yet.

"Zay, listen—"

"No, you listen!" She snarled, reminding me of a savage dog. "I've kept my memories safe and sound inside my own head for as long as I've been alive, and then you come and see them all and tell everyone!"

"I only saw one!" I protested, my hands raised in surrender. "I swear. I didn't mean to. And I won't tell anyone else."

"You swear on your life?" Her eyes were glazed by some sort of protective fear.

Looking at her made me feel sick. "Ye-yes!" I blurted, not knowing what else to say.

"Good." She backed away. "Because then, if you break your promise, or if you're lying..." she turned away and called over her shoulder, "I'll kill you." Zay's back retreated into the distance, but the threat lingered in my mind.

I felt my knees go weak and tossed out an arm, catching the tailing before I stumbled. I trailed Zay's path with my gaze. She'd joined Sasha and the other boys near the prow, with the girls nowhere to be seen. They're probably down in the cabins. I thought, heading into the hold. Sure enough, I found Navia and Lizzie in the cabin we shared.

"Hey, Lucia." Lizzie greeted, looking up from where she sat on the floor, sharpening her knife. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

I laughed nervously. Close enough. "Whatcha guys doing?"

Lizzie, although she'd been quick to accuse me of being a mole, had warmed up to me rather quickly. We got along well enough. Better, that is, than most of the others. We were similar, in some way. Not as trusted.

"I'm hanging out with Navia." Lizzie jerked a thumb at the hammock beside her. "She's not feeling to well."

As if on cue, Navia rolled over and squinted at me, her face slightly green.

I immediately stepped back, hoping that whatever she'd caught wasn't contagious.

Lizzie noticed and chuckled, "don't worry, I'm pretty sure she's just seasick. It's not contagious, last time I checked."

I breathed out a sigh and plopped down beside Lizzie.

Navia rolled back to face the wall.

"So, what's up?" Lizie quizzed, raising an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged, avoiding her look. I had promised Zay not to tell anyone. And I really did not want to die yet.

When it was clear I wasn't going to talk, Lizzie set her knife down and stood, brushing off her hands. "Well, since you're here, you can hang out with Navia for a bit. I need some air."

I nodded and waved as Lizzie headed up onto the main deck. Once she was gone, I picked up whetstone she'd been using. It wasn't too heavy, fitting almost perfectly in my palm. My fingers curled around it. I watched my knuckles grow white as my fist tightened.

"What are you doing?" Navia asked quietly, startling me.

I dropped the rock and it landed on my foot. I hissed in pain, rubbing my sore toes.

"Sorry." She sat up, cross legged on the hammock. "You okay?"

"I'll live." I answered. My eyes drifted to the freshly sharpened knife that Lizzie had left and I reached for it, running my finger lightly over the blade. A breath whistled through Navia's clenched teeth and I glanced up, meeting her gaze.

"Is everything okay?" I asked curiously.

Navia nodded and swung her legs over the side of the rough cloth hammock, her bare feet touching the floor. She rested her elbow on her knee and propped up her chin, "want to clue me in as to why you're here?" She quirked a brow.

I flushed. "That obvious, huh?"

"No one comes here to hang out with me when I'm sick. Except Sabien." She pointed out. "Turns out I'm an excellent therapist."

I laughed halfheartedly and turned the knife over in my hands.

"Also, you look someone just threatened to kill everyone you love."

I winced. "Not quite."

Navia made a curious sound. She tapped her feet on the ship's wooden floor. "Who was it?"

I glanced up, accidentally meeting her eyes. What? I panicked. Does she know? She can't know. I have to get out of here!

"Well you seem to be fine now." I said abruptly, springing to my feet. "I'm gonna go then."

Navia raised a brow, but didn't attempt to stop me as I rushed out of the cabin. I almost collided with Lizzie, who was coming back down.

"Lucia?" She called after me as I skirted around her and continued up to the top deck. "Where are you going?"

I ignored the question and burst out into the salty air, suddenly feeling like I could breathe again. I wandered to the railing and stared down at the churning black waves. How long can I do this? I wondered, pushing a hand through my long hair, which was loose from it's braid for once. Zay wasn't kidding. How long till someone remembers what I saw? If anyone finds out... I'm screwed.

I leaned on the cool metal, wishing for a distraction. Then, as though my prayers had been answered, one of the sailors in the crow's nest shouted like a pirate.

"Land ho!"

Hope y'all enjoyed! There will be a Christmas special in the Book of Extras, keep an eye out! Peace!

edit: 23/12/2023
silly goofy lucia
i need sleep
enjoy xx

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