Science class and dinner dates

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I walked into school thinking about what the nomican said.

My mom is worried about me because I was thinking about it all weekend and not really focusing on anything else. It pains me to see her like this, always worrying about me but what can you do?, it's not like I can tell her I'm the ninja, well one of the ninjas.

Heidi's little broadcast was on so I walked up and joined the crowd that went to watch it.

"Everyone is still asking one question, how can there be two ninjas?" Heidi said. Heidi your my best friend but come on girl, you can talk about something else other than the ninjas.

"Alright time for science class" I said and walked into mrs.Driscoll's room.

I went and sat down in the only seat available in the back.

I had my own table to myself and could do the projects by myself, science is my favorite subject after all (a/n: it's also the authors favorite)

"Now class it has become very obvious that a certain student is without a partner" mrs.Driscoll started saying.

Oh god, she's taking about me. I'm fine on my own.

"So I decided mrs.Lewis will be partnering up with Randy and Howard for the rest of the year" mrs.Driscoll finished.

"Oh come on!," I shouted standing up and slamming both hands on the table, "anyone but them please"

"Hehe she got paired with losers that she doesn't wanna work with!" Bash said from the front.

"Shut up Bash!" I shouted back at him.

"Please mrs.Driscoll they'll turn my hair green or something" I begged.

Mrs.Driscoll looked at Randy and Howard, who smiled innocently back at her.

"Fine I'll go" I said grabbing my bag and walking over to the extra seat next to the boys.

"Like we would seriously do anything like that to you" Randy said.

"Well you replace my toothpaste with glue"


I walked outside and went to the bike rack.

I went to grab my bike when I heard someone yelling.

"Reilly! Reilly!" It was randy.

"Yeah?" I asked my hands on the handlebars, getting ready to go.

"Race ya" he said and hopped onto his bike and started off.

"Hey you cheated!" I yelled and caught up to him.

Randy and I's houses are right across the street from each other so we could easily race each other there.

"Your point being?" randy called back to me.

I speed up in front of him.

"Cheaters never win" I said and got my driveway first.

"See ya later randy" I said and walked inside.

"Hey sweetie" my mom said.

"Hey mom" I said back.

"Riley, I hope you don't mind, we're having guest for dinner tonight" my mom said, perking my interest.

"Randy and his family"

No...not this again.

My parents and his parents had always had the idea that we like-like each other, but we don't, we're just friends, and not the kind of movie cliche where we do but say that to keep everyone of our backs no, we are friends, only friends, and not very good ones at that.

This is gonna be a bumpy night...

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