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Scales: an orange dragon and brother of Sylvia. A young male who is shy for his size. Tries to please everyone, always follows the rules, and is overshadowed by Sylvia; occasionally, he gets himself into trouble, but his friends and sister always get him out. Is afraid of water, thunder, and Stoneica- a poition that turns dragons to stone.

Sylvia: Scales' sister and dearest friend. She is a unicat, a kitten with wings and a horn. Her magic is very strong, not as strong as a dragon's, but next in line. She is smart, sassy, and loves things that sparkle. Known as Syl for short, she loves to dance, sing, perform, and basically do any activity that surrounds her with fellow creatures. She is much faster than her brother, but this tends to get her in trouble. She hates having a bad fur day, and wonky make-up; but she gets the mission complete at all costs. Every so often, her ego will fall, but her brother and the others help boost her confidence.

Geode: a gargoyle who is the school buddy of Scales. He is one of the strongest creatures in the school, being that his body is entiely made of stone. He is called Geode because his stone body glistens in certain spots, like a geode. He enjoys lifting his weights and skateboarding. He doesn't have many dislikes, but can't really swim too well. He always says, "I swim like a rock."

Winnefred: a witch who annoys the friends with her group, the Mishaps. They follow the heroes and cause strife; just getting through class every day is an adventure with her and her gang of mean witches.

Krackle: Scales' crush who is a purple dragoness. She likes him back, but plays hard to get. She enjoys watching Scales and the other males have "strongest creature competitions". She doesn't like water, but hates the sight of puke the most. One thing that gets her into trouble is when she tries to trick Scales into mating with her; which she has succeeded in once. She is best friends with Clawdia and Syl.

Clawdia: Clawdia is quite the quiet creature. She never speaks in class, mainly because her worse fear is being in trouble. She is a krakken, or sea monster, for easier reference. She enjoys hanging out with Syl and Krackle, together the three make fun of the "grossness" of dragon males and gargoyles. She has a secret crush, but only a certain unicat and dragon know who that is.

Zooro (Pronunciation-- Zoo Row): the craziest creature in the entire school. He is an alicorn, making him the most magical being in the place. This does have its ups and downs, though. Zooro can't stand to be asked questions, but more creatures ask him for help than he can count. Many days he'll transform himself into monsters to ward off the waves of questions. His hobbies include elite flight training, hornicure, and brewing potions. He still hasn't found the one to change his test rat back from a worm, though.

Cicylia: a Cyclops who loves to read. Her days are spent studying everything she possible can. By far, she is the smartest student in the school, but can be a little bit of a know-it-all. She hates to be late for school and says, "Every minute wasted equals half a books worth of learning down the drain!"

Clip and Clod: twin Pegasii who are the class clowns. Their shenanigans usually lead them to trouble later, but not without a good laugh somewhere along the way. Clod is the older brother, but Clip hates to admit this. Clip is a dareing pegasus and hates to leave a competition empty hoofed. Clod, on the other hand, is not quite as competitive when it comes to flying sports; however, ground sports are a totally different story. Together, they spell double trouble but double the fun as well.

Gaston: a ghost who has gone to the school for years... not that he haunts it, he's just failed a few grades and had to repeat. He loves it when someone doesn't see him and they turn around and scream, it reminds him of his haunting days. His greatest fear is vacuums, for appearent reasons, and extremely bright lights.

Frill: Frishetta Delfina Rosalyn Daffodill, Frill for short, is the smallest girl in school. She is a flower fairy, and she is only ten inches tall. She can't stand things happening to the plants, but can't do much when they do. Her favorite thing to do is garden, and ride her miniature bike on occaision.

Trixie: a feline taur who is new to the school. She came with her friend, Drake, and they are very pleased to join Scales and the others in their quests. Since she is a taur, her female parts are more predominate than most. She has breasts as well as teets on her lower abdomen. Being a cat comes in handy.

Drake: a canine taur who is new to the school. He is best friends with Trixie, but secretly likes her. Being a taur means he has a bigger body than some of the other students, and his "manlyhood" is even larger than a dragon's.

Professors (known as Masters):

Master Merlin: Yes, it is the Merlin, same one who helped King Arthur, and who owns Nosewise, the magic talking dog, and Archimedies, the educated owl. But he is now quite busy running the school. He also teaches the magic class, with minor assistance from Nosewise and Archemidies. Ask Nosewise for a notice on Merlin's next free hour.

Master Hoots: An extra wise owl who teaches the physics classes. He is a little strict, but shows some heart when you need it most.

Master Mrs. Hoots: Mr. Hoots' wife, and a kind soul. She is an owl, like him, but her classes are much more laid back. She teaches cooking classes, which do include the cooking of potions and elixcers. Mrs. Hoots loves each student as though they were her own chick, no matter what creature they may be.

Master Bones: An enchanted dog who has a frightening feature. Due to a spell gone wrong, his front right leg has no skin. The bones show through, but he is capable of using it all the same. He teaches biology classes and anatomy, occaisionally using his leg as an example.

Master Cratcher: the grouchiest teacher with the most boring subject: History. Not just a histoy, the history of all magic ever! One test takes a week to complete. He is a 700-year old gargoyle and tolerates absolutely no imterruptions. He enjoys being alone in his home and reading old magazines.

Ms. Loreit: a green and black dragon-taur, a centaur mixed with a dragon. She works in the cafeteria with Ms. Crystal Quartz and Mrs. Sandus. Her biggest flaw is her favorite pasttime: eating. She will over indulge herself with eating to the point that both her bellies could explode. Only on occaision has she eaten the entire buffet at school.

Ms. Crystal Quartz: the unicorn who gets the job done. She loves her job of working in the kitchen, but usually uses her magic to do so. She likes everyone to keep things fair, and if you don't, she gets really mad.

Mrs. Sandus: a creature made of sand, but looks like the large statues that are in Egyptian tombs. She has a large heart and cares for all the creatures, but favors the little ones. She gets riled up when the troublemakers start misbehaving. Her best dish is "Sandstorm Soufflé".

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