Chapter 2: The New Quest

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"Ok. We need to head northwest to reach the Elderwood before morning." Geode said, as he studied their map.

The class had been assigned the task of collecting bog-hoppers for their next project. The only place where bog-hoppers were found was a large swamp which lay just beyond the Stone-ear Canyon. The journey alone would be rough, but if they wanted good grades, it was a requirement.

"So, what are we going to get again?" Frill asked.

"Ugh, for the five-thousandth time we are searching for bog-hoppers. BOG-HOPPERS." Krackle said, in an annoyed tone.

"Well, duh." Syl retorted. "I'm not stupid, Krackle, I was merely making a metaphor as to how long we've been searching only to have found nothing."

"Hey, girls, quit being angry at each other and get a move on." Scales shouted back, as he and the rest had walked a good fifty yards from the dragoness and unikitten.

"Yeah, we may just leave you next time, then Master Bones will give y'all an incomplete." Geode added.

"We're coming." They said together and ran, or flew, to catch up with their friends.

Eventually, they reached Stone-ear Canyon, a dry, rocky cliff-side that used to house a magic river. It dried up when men used it's waters for other things in the cities outside the glade. Cautiously, the creatures made their way through the area. They were almost through when a large monster made of sand rose out of the ground in front of them.

"Who dares to trespass upon my territory? Speak now, for my wrath shall be worsened if ye should withhold the truth."

"Uh, we do, sir; but we'll gladly be..."

"Silence, man of rock! I speak to no creature."

"Now wait just a minute." Syl yelled back, making the monster look her in the eye. Then she continued speaking. "If you dont speak to any creatures, then how do you expect anyone to tell you why they are on your land? Also, you can just look and say, 'oh, look. There are creatures walking across my dunes.'. Now, are you going to let us by, or will we need to use force." She said, pointing to her horn.

The monster merely looked at her, with his eye brows furrowed in such a way that the rest of the group was afraid that they might be getting eaten within the next few seconds. But what came next surprised then all. The sand monster laughed.

"Young unicat, never before has a creature so small in stature stood up to me that way. Herefore I give thee the best reward I can offer: a magic pass that allows it's user entrance to any and all locked places. But be ye warned: should you be caught betwixt a choice of two paths, the pass shall unlock the one you choose, wheather it be good or evil." He then handed a small, flat wood piece to Syl and disappeared back into the sand.

"Well," Zoorow said, breaking the awkward silence, "that was certainly bizaar. No matter, let's continue out quest."

"I agree. Before any more odd monsters want to come and get us." Scales said, and tucked his tail under his body.

"With plesure. That guy was a weirdo, if I see any more cretures like him it will be blast first talk later." Syl said. "I wonder what this can do, though." She though as she looked over the flat wooden thing in her paw.

After exiting the sandy canyon, they found themselves on the edge of the Shifting Forest. The Shifting Forest was a small woods filled with magic plants and trees that could move on their own, giving it never quite the same shape. Extreme caution was to be used when one should need to cross it.

"Ok, who wants to go first?" Clawdia asked, not wanting to be the first creature in.

"I will!" Geode said, wanting to be noticed for his show of bravery.

"Hold on a minute, Geode." Scales said, grabbing the rock and pulling him back. "Syl and I can fly over the forest and see what ways you all should go to get through it."

"I think that sounds a lot safer." Clawdia added from her hiding spot behind a tree trunk.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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