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When the scientists got the Queen's corpse, their minds started to have different ideas to use the Queen's body. When they first started experimenting, they found a very strange thing. The Queen's body was already dead but for some reason her mind was still active and working while her heart was beating as if in a state of coma. They checked 3 times before confirming that the first discovery was in fact true. It was a peculiar situation, where nobody knew what to do. They started to do different types of checkups after that, to see what they could find.

Time Skip~1 Year
They were able to find out that the Crevicses's heritage was a bit like bees but more disturbing. When the new Queen takes over she commits cannibalism by eating the old Queen and once that is done her mind takes all the previous memories, goals, tasks and power of all the Queens that have been before her and her abilities and powers are stronger than the previous Queen. Which is why the Queen's body is easy to rot and kill but her mind and heart lives on.
With this sort of information, a new and vile plan started to arise in the minds of the scientists. They began to wonder if this mind and heart was possessed by a human what would be the results? With this thought in their heads they immediately started to work. The government was aware of this and decided if the results were profitable to them this would be a new development but if it was not they could eliminate any sort of danger.
Hence, the project began. They first brought in a man who had lost everything in the war and without even a care, began the transplant but turns out the Queen's brain and heart rejected the new body and it ended up taking the man's life. The scientists realized that there were some requirements that had to be met before the transplant. They studied the organs a bit more and determining the requirements, they set out to work again. They announced to the outside world that there will be medical checkups for everyone now that the war is over. Thus, they began their work

Time Skip~2  years(we will be having a few of these)
The population had decreased alot due to war, so by the time they were done only two years had passed. In that time they only found 23 people, almost meeting the reqiurements. Those people were locked up, forced to train so they could comlplete the requirements and it was made sure nobody in the outside world knew of them.

Another Time Skip~ 1 year
In 1 year 21 people had lost their lives and only 2 had remained. One a 20 year old woman and the other a 12 year old girl, both had completely met the requirements after much training. The adult was taken first for the transplant but the organs rejected her after 20 minutes and her body was blown to bits. The scientists were a bit disappointed but they more hoped that the last transplant would be successful and not a failure. So, they traind the young girl more for 1 year and brought her to the operating table. This time after much efforts the girl did not exploded but she didn't wake up, it seemed as if the organs were still analyzing the new body after about 4 hours the girl jolted awake and looked around herself frantically. The gurds barged in out of caution and before the girl could even do anything knocked her unconscious.
When the girl woke up, she realized she was in a hospital bed and several wires attached to her body while their were several moniters, each showing something different, were at both of her sides. A woman dressed as a doctor walked in looked at the moniters and told her from now on you will be training to control and use your new abilities, after that she left. The 13 year old had no idea what she meant by new abilities but guessed it must have been due to the operation and the way the woman spoke, like her words were the final decision, that means the ones incharge must have already checked her and made  the decision while she slept. When this thought occured in her mind, she became startled and realized that something was not right. She had never thought of these kinds of these things. The one thing she knew was how to survive and that was something the war had taught her. Then she remembered what the women had said 'new abilities'.
"I see, this must be what she meant when she said new abilities. I feel as if my mind is working faster then a human mind should and stronger then one should be."
After that she let sleep take over her.

Time Skip~5 years
6 years had passed and the girl had turned 18. She kept training and had a grasp of her abilities. Her eyes were as if they had scanning devices inside them, she could literally scan and analyse her surroundings, pull up information as if it was installed in her and alot of other things. In these years she had also gained the memories of all the Queen crevicses and realized that the Queens possessed all the information about the world and not only that, now inside her human body, it had even gathered all the information about humans. It was as if her mind had scanned the whole world and would know about everyone's background if she saw them even once. But she kept this a secret, she was not an idiot, she knew that if they knew about this they would do horrible things to seek profit.They had already used a bit of the robotic part of the Queen's body to create 2 chips and injected them inside her hands. The chips were able to extract and absorb microscopic minerals and bits of alloys from the air and release a weird sort of energy that allowed her to create any kind of weapon she wanted. To others it would seem as if she was creating it out of thin air or she possessed magical hands of somesort.
The scientists were also trying to make use of the remaining body before it rotted. Even though they had aquired this much, for them it wasn't enough. They were power hungry and this greed for power was exactly the thing that would be their end.....

Another cliffhanger , Things are really starting to get intresting...

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