Chapter 3

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December 31st, 2013

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!" The group of friends all gathered up together and drunkenly pecked each other's lips with kisses. This became a yearly tradition now since they have all been friends. The year the band started and the ball dropped for new years they all pretended to be drunk off sparkling grape juice and lightly kiss each other. All previous friends they had, that were outside of the band, didn't ever spend time with them on new years because of the group's weird tradition. So they spent time with all of their families. Tanner being the guest of honor almost at every house. Tanner didn't have a biological family anymore. So they just spent time with the boys' mums. They all plopped onto the sofa behind them, Michael and Cal hitting the floor instead of where they aimed. Luke's mum, Liz, Mrs. Liz as Tanner called her, walked down the stairs to the basement. "Hand over the wine kids." The boys whined as Tanner got up and hand the two half empty bottles over. "Thank you love. Get bed time clothes on and go to sleep kids." The boys groaned and all took off their shirts throwing them across random parts of the room. Tanner threw their shirt at the basket and grabbed one of the boys old pajama pants, that Tanner now permanently borrows. The only people that Tanner will ever be comfortable around are the boys. Tanner was biologically born a female but they identified as non binary. Growing up in a fully female body was probably what they hated most. 

                                                             // Flashback-ish// 

When they found out that they could have their breasts removed they went straight for it. At a young age they asked their parents if they could have the surgery and they declined. Tanner's father was furious. "April, You were born as a girl! God, made you this way so stop being ungrateful and stay that way!" Tanner's mother had no say in the conversation. That's how it always was. Tanner ran away that night. The police brought them back two days later. Something sparked in Tanner's mother and in secret for the next few months Tanner was taken to appointments and checkups so that Tanner could get their surgery. The week that Tanner's father went on a two week business trip, Tanner had their top surgery appointment. Tanner's surgery went fine. When Tanner's father came back, all hell broke loose. Their was screaming and fighting and it came down to one last choice, Tanner's mother either had to leave with Tanner or have Tanner kicked out. She kicked Tanner out. "I'm so sorry my love, but I gave you what you wanted and you don't have to pay us back. I'm so sorry." With one last hug from their mother and Tanner's bags thrown by their father. Tanner was left with nothing. Tanner forgave their mother but never their father. When Tanner called Calum in tears, all the boys and each of their mothers showed up. 

The days after being kicked out the group went to go get the last of Tanner's stuff when their dad left. Tanner's mother gave them money to help them live off of for a few months. "Your father will never find out about this one, I swear. I turned off you data on your phone but you can still have it. I am so so sorry." They left with the last of Tanner's stuff. Never looking back. Before the band got together and before Ashton joined, Tanner lived in Luke's, Cal's, and Michael's houses for a while. 

                                                         // Flashback-ish over I guess//

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