Chapter 5

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June 7th, 2015 

Tanner stayed hidden most of this tour. They would not leave the backstage area, they stayed hidden. When the show was over they left before the boys so they would miss the crowds. The band knew that Tanner was scared of getting more hate which is why they hid but, they just wanted their friend back. "Wanna come watch us in person today?" Michael asked softly. Tanner shook their head. "Are you sure? We won't bring you on stage we promise." Tanner shook their head again. Michael sighed. The band got ready for their show as Tanner hid in their over-sized hoodie in 80 degree weather. Tanner sat quietly watching them do their pre-show rituals that Tanner used to take part in. Shows blew by fast at this point. The band went on, did their show, Tanner retreated to the bus, hotel, or car, the boys came back and it repeated every day.  

September 13th, 2015

The band got ready for their very last show of the tour. They did their pre-show shots, Tanner started to join in on these again, and they fixed their hair before having to go onstage. About half-way through the 'Rock out with your socks out' tour; Tanner was in the worst mental state they've ever been in their whole life. One day Tanner got the courage to go actually watch the boys from the side of the stage. The band couldn't have been more excited to see Tanner standing their smiling. While the boys got ready for the last show, Tanner was also getting ready, mentally preparing them self. Tanner told the crew that they would be going on stage tonight. "When they get ready to sing 'She looks so perfect' add my mic when I start walking in." Tanner planned this for months in their head. Finally it was show time. The band gave Tanner a hug as they ran on stage. The show was going great. The crowd was wonderful and cheering the boys on happily. The second to last song ended and the group chatted before getting ready to start the last song. Michael started playing the first few cords. "Hey He-ey Hey He-ey." The boys sang. Tanner looked to the sound manager and nodded. Their mic was turned on as Luke began to sing. "Simmer down, simmer down. They say we're too young now to amount to anything else." Tanner sang with Luke as they walked onto stage. The boys are in shock. The crowd roars with happiness. The crowd sang along and cheered Tanner and the boys on. The band hasn't been this happy in months. "She looks so perfect standing there in my american apparel underwear." They all sang happily. The amount of love Tanner got from the crowd fueled their happiness. The group finished up the song happily as confetti fell from the ceiling. The five people stood in a line together and all bowed. Tanner waved happily as they walked off stage. The group joined into a massive hug as they went backstage. "We're so proud of you Tanner!"  Calum beamed. Ashton put his arm around Tanner and hugged them from the side. "Now tell us." Ashton said as they started walking to the van out back. 

The group passed through the crowds of people and signed some posters, shirts, and took some pictures with fans. Even Tanner got asked to sign stuff and take pictures. They tried to think of all  the love and support they saw from fans and not the hate. The band finally climbed into the van and shut the door. "Why did you decide to come on stage?" Ashton asked. They all buckled up and the car started on. "Well, I had been planning it for a while before I asked the crew." Tanner chewed on their nails calmly. "But, why though? I thought the online stuff discouraged you." Luke questioned. "Well, I was looking through a tag of y'all's one day and I saw something about me. Normally I would try to scroll past it but in all honesty, the happy face emojis attracted me." Tanner laughed it off a little. "So, I started reading it and they were being very supportive and loving towards me. I was shocked and didn't really believe it but I decided to go through my own tag. I found a lot more supportive fans and something just clicked in my head." Tanner smiled. "I'm glad it helped you T." Michael said happily. Tanner fell asleep on Ashton's shoulder for the rest of the ride to the hotel. 

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