Lisa Lockhart

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The announcers voice filled the indoor arena and the waiting area. Lisa Lockhart listened for her name to be called in as she stroked the buckskin's neck. Louie snorted and chomped against the gag bit, dying to just run. "Lisa Lockhart on Louie up next!" The announcer said. Lisa tried to keep the gelding under control but he pounced every time she tried to relax the reins even a little bit. Finally they reached the alley way and Lisa let him out. She tapped him with her over under and they reach full speed by the time they passed the timers. Louie dropped down by the first barrel and thrusted forward with his hind end, trying to regain speed to get to the second. "Come on Louie!" Lisa whispered to his buckskin ears as she pushed him forward. Reaching the second Louie repeated the process. Almost at the third Lisa sat and held the horn when they reached the pocket. Lisa sat up a pushed forward with both hands on the reins, whipping with her over under and kicking as Louie bolted home. Passing the timers, Lisa slowed Louie before they reached the end of the alley way. Even though they just ran, Louie wanted to go again. "And that was Lisa Lockhart on Louie with a time of 14.173 seconds! An arena record!" The crowd screamed with excitement. Lisa smiled because this is what she worked for her entire life. To be a top barrel racer was her goal. And now she is the top in the world.

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