Did i just pooped on my pants?

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It was the 3rd to the last subject. I felt like my tummy was aching so bad. Then sudenlly, i pooped on my pants. Well, my pants is blue. Then it will be so dark. My seatmate said she can smell poop near her. I was blushing so hard. Good thing i had a hangky. It was obvious to put it on your back tho. So my other classmates smelled it too. It was dissmissal, and i left quickly. Our class president smelled each seat, then, she smelled my seat next and she said it was me. I declined in the next day that i did not poop. I told her that someone must have sat on my place and pooped there. Then, my seatmate said that nobody has been sitting on my place. Then i confessed. They gossiped about it and it delivered to the bully. She bullied me ALOT.

-based on a true story well... Some! With the poop and thing

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