Chapter 11 A really fat butterfly.

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Okay, to be completely honest I did try to stay away from Aaron after the game. I really did. It was just too hard to do. Every time I avoided him in the school hallways he'd find a reason to stop Alyssa and talk to us both since Alyssa and I rarely went anywhere with out eachother.

Gym was the worst, there wasn't any place I could hide from him there. When he talked to me I would pretend I couldn't hear, but after awhile I found myself laughing at his jokes or thinking about stuff he said later on during the day.

So I gave up my attempts at avoiding. After quite a bit of thinking I didn't really come up any serious reason why I shouldn't be his friend. He promised he would never bring up the night at the party, which made things better.

So exactly one month after Aaron and I met we were friends, great friends actually. He was very easy to talk to. I tried hard not to get uncomfortable sometimes though.

I had a hard time looking him in the eyes without blushing like an idiot. that's the trouble with having gorgeous friends. He had not asked Alyssa out since the game, something I was thankful for. Although it left her with nothing to do but call me and discuss why he wasn't asking her out.

Very draining. Alyssa was pretty much the only one who knew that Aaron and I were friends. And that's only because of all the time he spent talking to her to get get me to be his friend. It's not like I was purposely not telling Scott.

I'm positive he wouldn't care if he knew, but...Why take a chance right? Scott never seen us together so I never had to explain. It was October 1st.

at lunch Aaron and I were taking a walk around the track field. Alyssa was busy doing a science project with Megan, and Scott was at home sick, so it was just the two of us. The weather was starting to get colder so we walked closer together.

"You've never seen Scream?" Aaron was asking in disbelief. I smiled. I couldn't remember how we had gotten on to the subject of horror films. "Nope" I replied. "Come on, it's a classic scary movie and you're telling me you've never watched it?" He continued.

I sighed. "I swear I've never seen it." He stared at me for a minute before shaking his head. "Well have you at least seen Halloween? Friday the 13th? Nightmare on Elmstreet?" He asked. "Of course, they're classics." I said.

"Then why on earth not Scream?" I laughed at his exspression. He laughed with me. "I guess it never interested me the way the others did, the dude's not as scary as the rest." I explain with a shrug. He nodded.

"He isn't as scary as the rest but it's a classic too, so you have to watch it." "Alright." He walk in silence for awhile. "Aaron." I say. He smiles. "Yes?"

"Are you ever going to give me any useful details about yourself?" I asked. Since we've been friends Aaron has barely spoken about himself. Whenever I would ask him a personal question he would either stop talking or turn the conversation back to me.

He dosen't respond. I stop walking to get his attention. "We're supposed to be friends you know." I complain. He looks at me, like he's waiting for something. I look straight back at him doing my best not to do something stupid, like blush.

"Fine! What do you want to know?" He asked in a defeated tone. I smile, feeling proud. I shift through all the questions I've had in my head. Decide to do an easy one. "Hmm...What's your full name?" I ask.

Not that spectacular of a question, but still something I want to know. "Uh no, not telling you that." He says while shaking his head. "Why not, That's the easiest question!" I complain again. "It's embaressing." Is his reply.

"Your last name is?" "No, my middle." "Oh." Now I'm really curious. "Please tell me, I promise not to laugh at it." I say. He stares at me, considering. "Okay fine, my full name is Aaron Mackenzie Knight." He says then watches my face.

Mackenzie? He's worried about Mackenzie? Psh I've heard way worse middle names than Mackenzie. How about Elroy? Birtha? Duke? Ha. "That's not really all that bad Aaron, seriously." I say.

He looks relieved that I didn't laugh. We keep walking. "Since I answered one of your questions you have to answer one of mine, we can go back and forth even." He suggests. It seems only fair so I agree. "Okay, go ahead."

"What's your middle name?" He asks. I roll my eyes before responding. "It's Elizabeth." "Chloe Elizabeth Reid." He says under his breath. I get a shiver, but I don't think it's from the cold.

"Your turn." He says. There's only one other question that's been on my mind for a long time, but I hesitate before asking it. I didn't want to offend him or something. I try a different one instead. "Have any siblings?" "No, only child, how about you?" He asks.

"Yeah, my brother Benji and my half sister Lola." I decide to ask the question i wanted to in the first place. "You have Asthma..." I start to say but stop. It's quiet for a moment. "That wasn't a question." He pointed out.

"Well I was wondering if it's...If it's you know, bad?" I ask slowly. His lips are pursed and he's looking at the ground. "Aaron?" He ignores me and bends down to thr ground to examine a dandelion.

"Would ya look at this, it's probably one of the last Dandelions of the year and it's all bent out of shape, like a really fat butterfly just came along and crushed it." He obsereves and picks it. He stood back up and holds it out to me.

I cross my arms over my chest and frown. "Are you avoiding my question?" "No" He sighs. "Then why-" "Listen Chloe I have Asthma, there isn't really any other kind of Asthma than the bad kind. But I have it under control, I take my medicine and have an inhaler, so I'm fine." He explains.

We stare at eachother. "I really am fine." He says with a half smile. I take his word for it and smile back. The school bell rings. I look at the school then back at Aaron. "We should go." I say. "Just one sec..."

He leans over and puts the Dandelion behind my ear then stands back to admire it. I ignore the flutter in my stomach from his hand touching my ear. "Just because people say it's a weed dosen't make less pretty, now we can go." He says and leads the way back to school. 

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