If I had wings.

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I have a crud poem from 2 years ago. Here is the edited version:

If I had wings,
I would grasp the Aurora,
Basking in its serene essence.

If I had wings,
I would savour the various flavours the Borialis possessed.

If I had wings,
I would perch upon a branch,
Birdlike in my stance,
My head tilted to side as I heed the commonly unappreciated howls of the winter wolves.

If I had wings,
I would inhale deeply,
And revel drunken with joy in the silky night air.

If I had wings,
I would dream of submerging myself in lava,
And of walking placidly on water.

If I had wings.

Written By Lupine Wood [Edited]
Word count: 111
Final word count: 123

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