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This is a poem I wrote in class while we were working on the Gothic Convention. It's not the best but who gives a shit at this point? Not me. Plus it's not really much of a poem.

To kill oneself,
'Tis merely to slay yet another savage beast,
One of the many that roam this earth.

We tear ourselves apart,
Destroying others as we go,
Anything new,
Anything different,
Anything changed,
Is feared and therefore maimed beyond recognition.

Such a brutal word,
Yet part of ourselves,
Do we seek our own extinction?
Is that the cause of our destruction of so much?
So many?

It's madness,
The madness that consumes mankind, Like a tsunami of tears.
Are we as much men as we like to believe?
I think not,
We are monsters.
Tearing apart our brethren for our own gain.
Stale is our humanity.
Gone is our sanity.

We care not for selflessness,
Only for our own greed,
We feed and feed.

Have any thought to care?
For the planet we call ours,
We call home.
We torture her,
We poison her,
We suffocate her,
Smother her with our own suffering and burdens,
And yet she endures us with nought a complaint.

Madness controls all,
The weak-minded,
The kind,
The strong,
The caring,

Gone we are.
All stolen away.
Madness is all that is left.

Written and Illustrated by: Lupine Wood.
Poem word count: 235
Final word count: 249

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