Sometime Thoughts.

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It is silent,
No coherent thought,
Just buzzing,
No true silence.

It is loud,
Too much going on,
Past regrets,
Thoughts of future,
Random thoughts burying the silence.

It is focus,
Constantly shifting focus,
Analytical thoughts,
No glance and dismiss,
Silence is heavy with unspoken words.

It is musical,
Tunes playing endlessly,
Don't stop believing,
Never gonna give you up,
The Sound of Silence.

It is dark,
Sadistic thoughts,
Haunting faces,
Gushing arteries,
Screams shredding the silence.

It is hysterical,
Breathless laughter,
Humour in the face of death,
Eyes wide yet creased,
Silence is broken by maniac squeals.

It is worthlessness,
Why are we here,
Why do we deserve this,
What did we really do right,
The silence tremors with the trembling of shoulders.

It is filled with questions,
Insatiable curiosity,
How does a bee fly,
How does this chemical react with another,
No hand in the air as the silence is halted.

It is want,
A dream or a wish,
Vital to our very being,
A desparate need to obtain something beyond reach,
Sighs of lost hope blow out the silent flame.

It is the pains of love,
Feeling someone else's well-being is more important,
Someone who has been placed on a pedestal,
Someone above the rest,
True devotion is never silenced.


Written by Jay W
Word count: 226
Final word count: 237

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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