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Indie and Clifford Reed were the two most popular students at Seaside High School. Everyone knew about them, even the citizens outside of school in their small town. There wasn't anyone who didn't know who they were. Anyone could simply say the twins and everyone would know exactly who they were talking about. They walked right in and stole the show, with all eyes on them.

It was hard to believe that they were in such a small city, their popularity and personality seemingly fit for a much bigger vicinity, something they wouldn't change considering it could endanger their spot in the popularity ladder. They were undoubtedly fit for such a role with that much attention. Nothing seemed to faze them as they worked their way up to the top.

When they moved to Cannon Beach, Oregon, they immediately caught everyone's attention. Whether that was with the pricy clothing brands they wore every day, all the sports and activities they joined, or how similar they looked—even if they were twins. They both still won it somehow, never letting it drop, never letting it out of their grasp.

Most people were shocked by how friendly and generous they were to everyone, even though at first glance they would seem like some snobby rich kids— though, they were still the wealthiest people in all of Cannon Beach by a long shot. It's not like you couldn't be rich if your mom was a doctor and your dad was a lawyer. Classic rich family setup.

The twins always tried not to brag about how well off their family situation was when the majority of the other families in Cannon Beach only owned one car, not several like in the Reed household. They showed up in less expensive clothes to try to downplay their money, but you could still see the money dripping from everything to their backpacks to Indie's makeup and Reed's hair gels.

But, the intensity of the twins wasn't nearly as severe as their parents, Melissa and Dakota Reed. At first glance, Mr. and Mrs. Reed seemed like they could kill you with one glance, one squit of their eyes. It was clear they weren't as approachable as the twins were. Though, you never heard anything ill come from their mouths about any other citizen residing in the small area of Cannon Beach.

The four of them seemed as perfect of a family you could get, no frown seen in public from any of the Reed's. Just warm smiles amid guarded eyes.  

There was no day that anyone could pin-point where everything changed, where everything shifted for the twins. They both were composed till the end, at least that's what everyone says. But if you were to look more, dig a little deeper, then you might just find something, a little hairline crack glanced over so many times that no one noticed it. 


July 4, 2017

Indie wasn't afraid of fireworks, not really. She actually quite loved them. She was mesmerized with how colorful and different each one looked after being set off. Just ever since she was a small girl, she'd jump and scream when the loud boom would announce itself in colorful explosions across the sky. Then being the best brother he is, Clifford would laugh and make fun of her, trying to reenact Indie's high-pitched shrieks. Even though she'd frown and punch his arm as hard as she could, he would continue with his harassment throughout all the years of their childhood. 

Now that she was older, Indie had developed the habit of pulling the front of the jacket or shirt she'd wear when they watched fireworks up above her mouth, pulling herself into a tense ball to hide her jumps and small gasps. This year she hadn't needed to worry though, Clifford was down the beach, playing football with some of the other boys. She rolled her eyes when she saw one of them run backward, arms stretched high, aiming to catch the ball only to trip and fall into the cold water. She could hear their yelps of excitement. 

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