Waking Up

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((Yes I'm restarting, I don't do this often cause I think it's annoying so don't expect this to happen again. By the way this is from Jason's P.O.V))

   Waking up is probably the worst thing to do after being drunk. Hangovers are a bitch. I know from experience and this hangover was no different to the ones I've had before. Feeling something warm behind me I groan. I hate getting drunk and sleeping with people, hurts for the both of us usually. I look over to see who it is and my eyes widen, staring right at Dick Grayson. I panic in my head, turning my head back against the pillow so I don't have to face all of that beauty. Unfortunately I must've moved too much because I feel Dick move a bit.

   "Mornin' Jay." Dick says tiredly and sits up, me immediately feeling colder. He stretches and looks at me. I stop staring and sit up, right next to him. "Sleep well?" Dick asks in a friendly tone while smiling at me, his beautiful blue eyes shinning even more. "I don't even know anymore." I reply with a groan before getting out of bed. I look down to see my underwear and clothes on the floor, realizing I am currently naked. My eyes widen and I scramble to put on my clothes. Dick just laughs and gets out of bed too, putting on his clothes as well. 

   "What the fuck happened last night Dick?" I ask after putting on my clothes, watching Dick put on his shirt totally not creepily. "We had sex." Dick answers plainly, beginning to walk out of the room. I walked behind him, ready to ask more questions but he stopped and looked at me. "You have a hangover right?" Dick asks and I nod in response. He quickly walks into the bathroom and comes out with some pain reliever. The acrobat gives me the bottle and continues to walk. 


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