Chapter 1: Gravity Falls

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Sitting in the backseat of a car for the whole two days and a half were not going well with Clara. Her short hair sticking up in odd angles as she did not have the time to brush through her hair, before going to the car and leaving a hotel. Sighing angrily, Clara once again ran a hand through her messy hair, the torturous sound of 'Look What You Made Me Do' by Taylor Swift, making her want to stab a knife through her ears.

"Come on Clara, we're almost there," The young adult's mother said, turning in her seat to face her daughter.

"Clare, you're going to have fun, I promise. There's a creepy woods in the backyard where you can go anywhere, there might possibly be some uncharted waterfalls, there's so many adventures in Gravity Falls. You'll love it!" Her father chimed in, trying to sound upbeat, as he looked into the middle mirror to gaze back at his only daughter.

"Yeah, so much fun." Clara replied sarcastically, although, her parents didn't seem to notice this, and continued to name off the good things about moving to the boonies of Oregon. Gravity Falls, Oregon. The only region of Oregon, in fact, with the worst Internet service, the craziest people, and the most rundown town in all of the US that still has people occupying it. Although she must admit, this town would probably be even more boring than Edmond, Oklahoma, and that was hard to beat. Puffing a small breath, Clara grabbed her tablet and flipped open the case screen cover, and turned it on, only to see the low battery notification. Groaning loudly, the seventeen year old slapped the cover closed once again, and tried her best to ignore the two parents whom were still wittering on about how great Gravity Falls will be, and the steady and terrifyingly catchy tune of the worst Taylor Swift song in the history of her phases.

It was 9:00pm when the Smith family finally made it to the small town. Clara had fallen to sleep a few hours earlier, and was slightly irritated when her mother had woken her up from a great dream that the house they were moving into, mysteriously burned down in the middle of the night. Grumbling groggily, Clara stumbled out of the car, and started taking the essential things into their new house, which didn't look so bad surprisingly, and chose a room started to look for a room in the two story house.

The outside of the house was painted white, with an overhang above the front door, and a wrap around porch. The inside could've been worse, the paint on the walls were slightly faded, and there was the occasional mouse hole in the walls, the furniture in the house was slightly aged, and was definitely going to be redecorated, and there were cute miniature models of places in the basement, which actually looked cozy surprisingly. The stairs were an elaborate spiral leading up to the second floor which overhung the first floor slightly in the entrance hall, and there was the classic chandelier hanging from the second floor, and casting light onto the first.

Standing stunned in the entrance hall, Clara gaped up at the ceiling, as her parents walked in, noticed her stunned looked, and laughed a bit. "You didn't think we would be living in some crappy rent home, did you?" Her mother jokes, pulling one of her graying hairs behind her ear.

Caught gawking, Clara instantly snapped her jaw shut, giving herself a slight headache, and looked away, her cheeks becoming red, "It's fine I guess." She muttered, trailing off in the end. Grabbing the suitcases she set down, she treaded up the stairs, and looked for a good room to claim as her own, and soon decided on a room whose walls were a beautiful lavender, with a built in wooden bunk bed with the top bed was still there, while the bottom was made into a reading nook, and a nightstand set in the nook, and under her feet, was a fuzzy carpet, tucked under the bed, and there was an adorable old fashioned wardrobe in the corner (which Clara slightly hoped would lead to Narnia), with a full length mirror next to it, and the ceiling was vaulting a foot in the air, with maps of stars and galaxies on it, that made it the most beautiful room in the whole house. Setting her stuff down, Clara dug through a large box, and pulled out sheet covers and sheets, and went to work making her bed perfectly, and when she finally finished, she stepped back and admired her work. Nodding in satisfaction, Clara grabbed a pillow from the same box, and a book, just in case she wanted to read, although she highly doubted she would have time to, and climbed the stairs to the top bunk, and placed the book down on a ledge, probably meant for action figures, and went to sleep.

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