Chapter Three

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I sat staring at him for what seemed like hours, there was something about his icy blue eyes that could make me feel like we were the only ones in the world. All of a sudden the bus driver screams "Asguardian school!" I break my stare and pick my bag up, getting ready to leave. It's only when I get out of the bus when I realize that the stranger is not in the bus anymore.He was in fact, standing right next to me with a little smirk on his face. I almost screamed in shock. I whispered shyly, " could you show me around the school?" He nodded ecstatically. I started to walk up the hill when he grasped my hand and pulled me towards him. " I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name miss" he said mischievously. I grinned and replied " my name is Artemis. Artemis June " "What's yours?" I question him. " Loki."
I smile and walk ahead. Loki keeps up with my pace. I smile as he is panting next to me. We walk through the gates of the school. Loki escorts me to the field outside of the classes, linking arms with me. I look around the sports field and see a group of four people playing what seemed like football. As we get closer I notice their facial features come into focus. There was a guy with dirty blond, shoulder length hair and light blue eyes full of wisdom and I wonder if he is even a student here. There  was a girl with long black hair that was tangled in the wind, similar to Loki's, her emerald green eyes blazing as she turned away from the ball to look at me, her thin lips stretching into a forced smile. There was one girl that had blond hair flapping in the wind, winking at the blond guy trying to get his attention but his blue eyes settled on me. There was one other guy staring at me in shock as Loki was still gripping my hand. Loki blushed as he saw what the guy was looking at. Loki cleared his throat and said "Artemis, I would like you to meet my brother." Pointing to the blond guy. I just stood there in shock.

Loki And you in high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now