Moving On

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The next line of events were not how Anne had expected them to be.

Phillip and Anne were doing the normal dance routine at the end of Act 1. Just like normal. Clockwork, even, this routine would finish the act off then the show would resume after a half hour break.

But this time was different.

A blood curdling scream pierced the dancers ears just as they were about to step into the next move. Phillip froze as his head snapped in that direction.

After the next scream he blindly ran in that direction, desperately searching for the person who made that noise. He found a woman violently shaking whilst slumped over on a first row of seats. He instantly called for Barnum who nodded in his direction before leaving the ring.
Shortly after the music went off and W.D told the audience to remain seated while they attended to the woman.

Anne swiftly caught up to Phillip and Barnum. It wasn't the woman who screamed so who did? It was then that she noticed two young children with tears streaming down their faces.

"Hey there." Anne said softly. "Would you like to come with Me?" The siblings looked at each other then back at her. They gave a small nod in sync before Anne led them away backstage.

Now in the proper light she had a chance to study the two young children in better detail. One boy, one girl, the boy looked older by an out three years. He was maybe seven. The girl the age of four.

"Heya." Anne said softly to the little boy. She noticed the ginger red curls atop his head and the big blue eyes that stared back at her. He looked at Anne enquisatively.

"Hi." He said shortly trying to avoid eye contact.

"What's your name?" Anne asks quietly.

"Oliver." He squeaks.

"And..." Anne says looking in the direction of the girl. The girl has long ginger red curls aswell but instead deep brown eyes accentuate her face.

"This is Harriet." Oliver says becoming more confident. He was eager to protect his little sister No matter what.

"Im Anne." Anne says smiling at the two young children.

"Where's my mummy?" Oliver asks tears appearing in his eyes.

"She's seeing some doctors right now. I promise she will be alright." Anne says hoping her promise will be seen through to the end. A strange look of relief floods the pair's eyes. Harriet let's go of her brothers hand and runs to Anne enveloping her in a hug. Tears are streaming down her face as she screams for help into Anne's neck.

Oliver shortly joins and says in a grown up manner. "Don't make us go back. She won't like it if she finds out we went with you."

"What does she do?" Anne asks the young boy while still clutching Harriets small body. Oliver looks away for a moment.

"Hit me. Scream at me. Swear..." He tries to continue but he breaks down in tears.

"Anne." Phillip says entering round the back. He stops when he sees Anne hugging Harriet and Oliver.

"Come over here." She says to him.

"This is Harriet and Oliver. Oliver is seven and Harriet is four." Anne says beckoning him over.

"Hello." Phillip says kneeling down beside Anne and the two children.
Instantly Harriet walks over to him and hugs him, to which Phillip simply hugs the small girl back.

"Where's my mummy?" Harriet asks insistently. It's the first thing she has said.

"She's with he doctors right now." Phillip softly replies.

"Will she be Okay?" Oliver asks walking over to Phillip too now.

"I don't know. But how about you come stay with me and Anne tonight and we can go visit her tommorow?" Phillip asks the children. They nod and Oliver takes his hand and Harriet takes Anne's.

Little do Anne and Phillip know but this is just the beggining to their new family.

Once they arrive at Phillips they instantly take the two children upstairs.

"We don't have any spare beds do we?" Anne says as she softly strokes Harriets temple while she sleeps with her head on Anne's shoulder.

"I think I may have some in the attic. Give me a moment." Phillip disappears leaving Oliver sitting on their bed.

He reappears soon after with one folded up mattress and lays it down on the floor.

(Unedited and short, but I just really want to get it out for you all. I've finished exams, and received results for the time being. I look forward to releasing more pre-written chapters.

Arwen x   )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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