the adoption

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3rd person
Yn is a little child that lives in an orphanage. She doesn't really have any friends,but she dose talk to herself, or at least,that's what others see. She has an imaginary friend.


+Jack's POV+
I feel sorry for chase, he lost his wife and now he can't even see his children.But.I think I know how to make him feel better. I'm walking to the orphanage to get a child for him. I'm sure that will make his I open the door, I'm greeted by a woman,she seemed very nice,sweet and kind like she loved everyone that entered this place.
"Hello,you must be Sean. So,are you ready to adopt a child." She looked at me with happiness showing that she loves her job no matter what. I smiled at her  happiness.
"Of course. Let's see little ones."
"Before we begin,did you say you were getting a kid for a friend of yours?"
"Yes,I am."
"May I ask why?"
"Well,he lost his wife and his kids."
"Oh,I see..may I ask his name?"
"Chase..Chase Brody."
A little later after looking at all the kids,there wasn't one that seems to be right for chase.
"NO!! PLEASE VINSENT LET ME OUT!!" I heard a girl scream.
"Please ignore that sir, that is..just the...strange least..that's what the others say."the wowman said. But, I couldn't, she sounded like she's in trouble and 'vince' sounds like a bad guy.
"Could I see-"
"NO.She is not to be seen by anyone,sadly.Unless she wants to be him."
"Are you saying she never goes out of that room unless you hurt her?"
"Well.. Not me,I don't attack her, that is the others doing."
"Sooo..I could report this to the police and this place could be shut down?"
"No,no,no,no,no! Please, this is the only job that pays well for me!tell you what,I'll let you see her,if you like her you can keep her.then the other's can't hurt her and your friend will be happy. Deal?"
"Hmmmm,OK deal."
She led me to the room and opened the door. As she opened it,a girl ran out.
"Miss,who's this?" She asked. Her voice sounding full of fear and hope.
"This is sean.he's here to adopt someone." The wowman replied to her.
"Can he adopt me?"she blurted out. The wowman chuckled.
"Pwease miss?pwitty pwease?" The girl asked her.She seemed a bit old to sat it like that. The wowman laughed.
"Yes,yn.That is if he wants to." The wowman looked in my direction waiting for an answer.
"I would love to."
"Good. Well,yn are you gonna ask Host if he'll go with you?"
'Who's that?' I thought.

-After signing papers for the adoption-

+Yn's POV+
I'm so happy someone wanted to adopt me.but now I have to say goodbye to Host. He's my best friend and my only friend. No one else can see him. But he's still my friend.
I went to my room to say goodbye to Host. He promised we would always be together And that he would come with me.


"Hey,Yn wanna meet your new dad?"Jack asked me. I got confused,I thought he was my dad.
"I thought you were my new dad."
"Well,no.I'm not your dad,I just adopted you for him, its a surprise."
"Am I gonna be the surprise?"
Jack chuckled
"Yes,Yn,you are the surprise."


~Chase's POV~
I can't believe it... Stacey left me and took the kids. I decided to make a video to get her off my mind. Jack left little while ago,said he had to get something. I heard him talking to the other egos before leaving,I wonder why they didn't let me join them.ah well,I'll ask jack when he gets back.

+Much later+

Jack's POV
"Hey,how old are ya kid?"
"I'm 13."
"WHAT!?! You act so much like a 5 year old."
"I know! That's why I love living, Host says I have so much characteristic's. Also, I'm getting a little hungry."
RIGHT!when we get home the first thing that happens,she has some food.

Chase's little Angel Chase Brody x child/teen! readerWhere stories live. Discover now