Prologue (Nightmares)

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Myra sat in the Red medic bay tuning up the medi-gun, when Engineer entered with the parts she had requested, "Danke." she says as he tips his hat and returns to his room for the night. Myra sighs again alone, and a voice in her head echos, "You are a waste to this team! Soldier wouldn't be almost dead if you had done your job correctly!" She shuddered as she heard those words. Soldier will not die! Myra promised herself.

Someone from Blu had cut everybodies connection to the respawn system and removed the blood cylinders that held everyone's DNA, breaking them into shards. An easy fix for most of the team, but Soldier had been heavily targeted since he was Red's undisputed leader. Myra had been doing all she could to defend the team as it's medic when the huge explosion occurred. When Myra saw Soldier passed out from the blast missing an arm and a leg... She froze. Soldier now has his new limbs attached to him, but until he recovered they can't take a blood sample for the respawn machine.

Myra started to cry over all her notes, diagrams, medical journals, the medi-gun, and her potion test data, feeling hopeless. So many things had gone wrong when the last medic for Red supposably retired to spend more time with his family and Myra was upgraded from his assistant/apprentice to the official medic of the Red team. Ever since that event the team had been losing all the time. Nobody blamed Myra, but she still felt it was her fault.

Suddenly, Myra heard something behind her fall, "Soldier?" She asked worriedly, and she ran out of her office to the operating table where Soldier was. He was still there and hadn't moved since he had been placed there. Which was good considering that it would take a long time before his brain would readjust. Myra sighed in relief as she went and replaced Soldier's IV pack. Then it dawned on her, if Soldier didn't fall, who or what did? A hand over her mouth answered that question for her.

Instinctively Myra brought her hands up onto the attacker's arm, trying to remove him, but the captor was way stronger than she was and had her pinned against himself in no time. Myra felt him brush the hair away from her ear and he spoke tentatively to her, "Be calm mademoiselle and no harm will come to you." A knife he had hidden in his sleeve popped out, "Not immediately of course." Clearly this was a Spy not from Myra's team. He had to be from Blu. A tear rolled down her cheek as the Spy led her back into her office and tossed onto a chair. He then proceeded to bind Myra's hands together and gag her, before he carried her out of the Red base and put her into the back of the Blu Sniper's camper van. Blu Spy got into the front of the van where Blu Sniper was waiting in the driver's seat, "Let us move." The car's engine started and they were off.

About 10 minutes later they arrived at the Blu base. The back of the van was opened and Myra was picked up by the Blu Heavy, "Little Doktor need not worry." The Heavy spoke trying to cheer her up, "We got big plans for you!" Myra's sobs gained new viger at that and she curled up into a tight ball, trying to become smaller. Why don't they just kill me already? Myra thought and she could've sworn the Blu Sniper gave her a sympathetic glance before they entered the Blu base.

When the group entered the Blu medic bay Blu Sniper called for the Medic, "Medic! We gotcha the bugger!" The Blu Medic stepped out of what Myra could only guess was his office,

"Dankeschön kamerad. Lay the Fräulein on zhe operating table." He said as he grabbed some supplies. Heavy compiled and placed her on the table, "Also, make sure she's tightly bound to zhe table. Don't want her to wirthe uncontrollably." Heavy redid Myra's bounds to the table like the Medic had requested and though Myra tried to fight back her strength was pitiful against the large Russian man. Then all of the other Blu's were shooed from the room, leaving Myra with the deranged doctor, "I've been waiting to do Zhis for a long time Fräulein." He said as he flicked a syringe to release air bubbles, "Prepare for jour examination!" The painkiller was injected into Myra and the Medic began whatever it was he was doing to her.

Skip this if you dislike violent mad doctors and internal exploration.

*Snip* *Snip* *Snip* The Blu Medic cut into Myra's midsection with medical scissors, the medi-gun above her hummed as it kept her alive, and she screamed through the gag that was still over her mouth as she tried to get away from the man, "Fascinating." The Blu Medic muttered as he felt around her potion advanced organs. Myra cried more, "Oh, don't be such a baby." He gave her a pat on the head leaving some blood behind, "It vill be over shortly." Next thing Myra knew the Medic had pulled out her heart. More screams erupted from her as the Medic laughed maniacally. Myra internally prayed that she would never reach this man's level of insanity. The Medic then grabbed the Amplifier that aloud her heart to handle the effects of an Uber Charge and he pulled it off. Myra's eyes nearly popped out of her head when she realised what he had done to her. He then tossed the device onto the floor, put her heart back in place, and sealed up her chest.

Next the Blu Medic strapped Myra's head down so it wouldn't move as he started to cut open her head with a scalpel to get to her brain. He started to try and grab something from in there and after about 10 tries and some colorful German cursing that Myra thankfully couldn't understand, he grabbed the intended object and tossed it with the Amplifier. He then grabbed some sort of chip from his table of supplies and plugged it into Myra's brain. She felt a light sting of electricity when he finished plugging the item in.

OK Medic craziness over, you may continue reading

The Medic then sealed up her head and hopped over to a small computer nearby and cheered from what he saw. Myra turned the best she could to look and was shocked to see exactly what she saw on the computers screen and heard the Medic's voice echo through it. He-He removed the amplifier that enables me to handle uber and put a chip in my brain to see and hear exactly what I do!? Myra thought, Or he just upgraded the chip! The Blu Medic suddenly turned to her, another syringe in hand. Myra started to struggle against the bonds in terror, but to no avail. A tranquilizer was injected and Myra started to blackout. The last thing she saw was the Blu Medic smiling at her evilily, before darkness overcame her.  

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