Chapter 3

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(Day Before Battle)

Myra ran back into the Medical Bay just as Soldier was waking up, "Good morning Medic!" Soldier said as he stood up, "What's wrong? Did Pyro set your robe on fire?" Myra giggled,

"Nope, I fell asleep in front of the Sewers by accident." Not telling anyone, especially you about Archin! Myra thought. I'd get in major trouble having a friend from the opposing team.

"You work too hard maggot!" Soldier replied, giving her a light pat on the back, "When will we re-enter the fray!?" He started to test out his new limbs,

"Tomorrow sir!" Myra saluted, "Though when you go to train, please be careful not to overwork your limbs and no lifting heavy weights just yet!" Soldier compiled by lifting Myra off the ground by her neck,

"Tough Americans don't need that kind of restraint!" He shouted as Myra fought his grasp attempting to breathe, "This only hurts a little, and such pain is nothing to a dignified member of the military!"

"S-Soldier... P-please..." Myra gasped out and thankfully Soldier put her down, "Don't do that ever again! UNDERSTAND!?" Soldier looked a little shocked by her outburst but he nodded and left the Medical Bay for the training room, "Ug! Some of these guys. Sheesh!" Myra then walked out of the clinic into the lab section of the medical bay. The dove that her mentor had gifted her before he left 5 years back landed on Myra's shoulder, "Hey Archie! How have you been?" The dove cooed happily in response.

Myra giggled then opened her notes on Alchemy and began another brew, "Now, if I mix this up correctly, we should be able to gain gills for a time. That should definitely give us an edge on Blu!" Her thoughts return to Archin and she shakes her head. We've both got a job to do, don't think about it. She carefully mixes items and chemicals into a flask and sets it up on the burner. About 30 minutes later the potion is done. It's final color was a sickly green, "Well... Let's see what this can do." Myra quickly chugged the potion and gasped as the effects start to change her.

She tries to scream as gills grow on her neck and her lungs changed to accommodate both breathing on land and in water. Myra fell on her knees beginning to realize that the potion is a permanent effect and not temporal. I shouldn't have used that much Hydra blood for the transformation aspect! She mentally shouts then passes out from stress,

Myra awoke to a light being shone in her eyes. She blinked a few times and sat up seeing her team,

"Oh thank goodness! We thought we lost ya." Engineer said,

"What happened?" Myra asks scratching an itch on her neck, stopping when she feels the skin flaps, "Oh... It worked..."

"What worked?" Scout asks as Myra messed with her new gills,

"I tried making a potion so we could travel through the sewers without fear of drowning." Myra replies, "Only, I used too much Hydra's Blood for the transformation... Now I will have gills for the rest of my life." Sniper shakes his head,

"I kept telling you to stick to what you know, Sheila." Sniper comments, "That and use us for your test subjects. You know we don't mind as long as you don't get too ambitious." Myra nods and sighs,

"I know, but I don't feel right testing my potions on you guys when I work just the same. I shouldn't be afraid to put my life on the line while I toy with others!"

"As much as I enjoy the sentiment, Sniper's right Myra." Engineer said, "You need to be open to ask us for help and... Well, stop pushing yourself too hard." Myra closes her eyes and nods,

"How long was I out anyways?" She asks and Spy checks his watch,

"As of now, eight hours." He informs Myra,

"Great... I slept the day away."

"INDEED YOU DID MAGGOT!" Soldier shouts, "NOW I EXPECT YOU TO RUN AT LEAST THREE LAPS AROUND THE BASE!" Myra stands quickly and runs in fear.

It was about 8 o'clock when Myra finished her laps. She had decided to stop at the sewer, not only to see Archin again but to use the water to her advantage. Myra dunked her head into the sewer water, testing what she could now do. The water wasn't as cold as it was the day before, the water passed by her new gills allowing her to breathe, she opened her eyes and a see-through eyelid covered her eyes enabling her to see. The sound was muffled, but she clearly heard footsteps coming her way. She lifted her head out of the water to see Archin's glowing amber eyes staring at her, "What are you doing?" He asks Myra, confusion painfully evident,

"I had an accident..." Myra admitted,

"And you're dunking your head in dirty water because of it?"

"Uh... Yes... I mixed up a potion wrong and it gave me these." She shows the Blu Spy her neck and the gills. He reaches his hand to feel the flaps and Myra allows him,

"You gave yourself skin flaps?" He asked. Myra assumes he's acting but she explains anyways,

"Gills." She corrects, "I was checking to see if they work." Myra decides to go quiet about that, "Please tell me you won't tell the other Blu's about my Alchemy experiments."

"On my honor." Seeing Myra's doubtful face he continued, "No word of our meetings will reach the ears of the Blu's." Myra sighed with relief,

"Thank you... You mentioned I won't even see you in battle... What did you mean?" Archin winks and puts a finger to his mouth,

"I wouldn't be a Spy if all my secrets were disclosed to you now would I?" He laughs as Myra huffed in annoyance. Again he shows off his oddly sharp teeth. Myra lets her curiosity get the best of her,

"What's with your teeth?" She asked and Archin looked at her as though he was contemplating explaining,

"You aren't the only one who toys with science." He replied sadly,

"Your Medic did that? I'm sorry."

"Don't be it's not your fault. You better head back. I can hear your Soldier calling." Soldier was indeed shouting for Myra to get back indoors. Myra quickly says goodbye to Archin and leaves. Only pausing to realize how much he is trusting her. Something must have happened to the Blu Spy. Something involving the Medic on his team.

I probably won't continue this any farther.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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