Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up in the guildhall on my right was Happy and on my left was Haruno. I woke them up and told them to wake the others while I go into the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

Getting out of the kitchen with the food, I saw everyone sitting on a table, waiting patiently. I smiled softly and walked towards them, set the food down and began to eat with them, talking happily amongst one another.

Suddenly, the door got kicked open once again and in came the whole Team Natsu, 'Not them again' I thought annoyed. "Lucy Heartfilia, we want a rematch" said Lisanna, smirking. Haruto and Happy rolled their eyes, already knowing how theis is gonna end.

I sighed, "Okay, but don't come crying after me when you lose" I smirked, I was about to say something else when I was interrupted by Erza, "Jellal why are you here?! Did she kidnap you?! LUCY! YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THIS!!" Erza roared, pointing swords at me, I looked unfazed by this, "No Erza I wasn't kidnapped by her, our guild got disbanded from the magic council, so we joined this guild." He said calmly.

"Then why didn't you come to Fairy Tail?" she said calming down a little, "We heard about this guild and were impressed that Lucy and Happy were the founders of this along with Haruto, soo we gave it a try and now we're here" Macbeth answered for Jellal.

"So, I thought you were here to fight me, then fight me" I said taking slow steps to them, they all took step backwards.

"Let's take this outside, I don't want to wreck my guild, can't say the same for Fairy Tail" I said the last part so only Happy could hear and he started laughing is ass off.

Everyone followed me outside into the field on the backside of the guild. I asked Ritsuko to put up some runes so we don't destroy too much. She nodded and did her best to built up a strong rune. 

Once the rune was set, Team Natsu got into a battly stance ready to destroy anything in their way to defeat me. "Bring it on, bitch" it was as if a something switched, they all started to charge at me as fast as they could, Gray from the left, Erza from the right, Natsu from the front and Lisanna from above. 

When they nearly touched me I transported to the spot they stood at the beginning, thus they all hit themselves with their magic. Natsu was the first to recover so he thrusted himself forward to punch me again, I planned on punching him back this time but had a better idea, I flicked my fingers stopping  the time to hit them all with a sacred art that I just learned yesterday, "Infected hope" and resumed the time again, they all fell on the floor clenching their heads in pain until they fell unconcious. 

The spell wears off once you fall unconcious. I called out Virgo to telle her to bring the back to Fairy Tail, and to tell them to never come to our guild again.

Ritsuko removed the rune once they were send away, they smiled at me and congratulated me for the win, we went back in and talking.

I was talking with the Haruno triplets until Haruno pulled me aside,"Lucy, may I speak to you in private?" he asked. "Sure, what's up?" I asked once we entered my office, "Well, I wanted to ask you if you could teach me some magic, because I can't do magic..." he asked an embarrassed expression on his face, my eyes soften and I smiled a kind smile, "Of course, what do you want to learn?" I asked, he immediatly answered,

 "plant control"


Hey first new chapter in the new updating rhythm, I hope you like it.

637 words~~~~~~~

read you nex chapter


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