Chapter 1: Unfamiliar surroundings

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 Silence filled the cloudy skies of a small district. Everything was almost completely still. Almost. There was still a calm wind that pushed the powerlines a little, plus a few pieces of trash here and there on the streets. The clouds moved across the sky and little fast, covering parts of the sky. A setting sun could be seen in the distance, allowing many different colors to cover the rest of the sky. You could almost call the district peaceful.

 Buildings grew taller as you went deeper inside the district. Every building looked untouched by anything living for a long time. All except for one. On this one there was something on it that was living. If you went up the stairs of the building and past the locked door that went to the roof, you would find someone past out near one of the corners of the roof. This person was a young boy with light blue hair that was tied up into pigtails. He was wearing a blue vest, a white collared shirt, a black tie, and grey pants.

 But there wasn't anything peaceful about the condition he was in. His hands were tied behind his back and had rope burns on them. A bloody handkerchief was tied around his mouth, making it impossible to speak if he were awake. His feet were tied together as well. The rope was extremely tight, same went for the ones around his hands. Lastly, a deep gash ran down his arm, pouring a lot of blood out. His breathing was heavy and it seemed he was trying to hold onto his own lifeforce.

 Suddenly, the boy started coughing violently as he grew conscious again. More blood started staining the handkerchief as he did. After a few seconds after coughing, the boy's senses finally came back. But as soon as they did, he let out a muffled scream. A sharp stinging pain filled his arm, and his throat was dry. The boy squeezed his eyes shut and tried to move his hands, but couldn't. As the ropes rubbed against the boy's wrist, it started stinging as well. The boy quickly realized this and stopped moving around.

 After adjusting to the pain as much as he could, the boy opened his eyes quickly. The multi-colored sky reflected off of his blue eyes, surprising him a little. His eyes started scanning the roof he was on as he quickly sat up. The small rooftop he was on was covered in scraps and broken material. Nothing seemed to have been touched in years. Not to mention some of the objects had extremely sharp edges.

 The boy looked at some of the objects around him and tried to move closer to them. Once he got close to a sharp piece of metal, he tried to pick it up. But as he did, the metal cut his hand causing crimson blood to pour out of it slowly. The boy winced in pain but kept his tight grip on it. He lifted it up a little bit and brought it close to the rope. Once the piece of metal was right next to the rope, the boy attempted to get it under the rope. He was successful, and as soon as the metal got under the rope, it created a clean cut.

 The boy smiled as the ropes fell off of his hands but almost hissed as soon as they did. A stinging pain came from the rope burns as they hit the air. He tried ignoring the pain in his hands and started moving his hands down to his legs. The boy cut the rope that was around them and dropped the piece of metal. He untied the handkerchief that was around his mouth and sighed.

 "Finally," he said to himself," This thing tasted horrible."

 He looked down at the handkerchief in his hands, only for his eyes to be filled with horror. There was barely any white left on it, that's how much crimson stained it. The boy let go of the handkerchief with one hand and touch the area it covered. His mouth was covered with dry blood, and it left a horrible, rusty taste in his mouth. There was no moisture in his mouth anymore. It was completely dry.

 The boy coughed again and covered his mouth. His throat started burning as if it was on fire as some sort of liquid made contact to the boy's skin. He pulled his arm away from his mouth and saw blood now on it. It wasn't dry like the blood around his mouth or the blood that came from the giant cut on his arm. This was warm and it was in its liquid state.

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