Chapter 2

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"Jc! you're gonna be late for school, hurry up."

"I'll be down in a minute!." I shouted, i was desperately trying to find my long gray scarf. "HUZZAH!" I shouted yanking it out my huge black sweatshirt with the gray picies symbol on it. I really really like homestruck, almost as much as I like Invader Zim and Tim and Doctor who. I would go on about my other obsessions but now is not the time. Although I like to think i'm more like Gamzee or Terezi, I'm in love with Karkat. I did a bunch of wierd hops and kicks to get into my gray skinny jeans as i was walking out my bedroom door, pulling on my black chuck taylors.  I ran down the stairs, jumping over the last few steps as usual. I walked into the kitchen and as i made myself tea in a travel cup, of course Pa was trying to fix my hair the best he could while Dad couldn't care less. "Jo what am I going to do with you?" he sighed looking at my mess of short black hair. and handing me my violet fingerless gloves. For some reason I had the tendency to be cold. Like unusually cold. who knows, maybe I'm a vampire.

 "Pa, I'm fine. I don't care what my hair looks like. I'm showered and dressed in clean close. what more could you ask for?" Dad chuckled bit from behind his newpaper, I always thought it was funny seeing him in his dirty work clothes enjoying his morning, and Pa was always a worrying about being punctual in his clean cut doctor clothes. I stole a pancake from the table and put it between my teeth, slinging my green canvas messenger bag over my shoulder. Dad picked it out. I can't believe thy neglected to tell me that i was going to public school until the day before. They went and got suppiles and everything but waited until the last minute to let me on the whole thing. "Bye I love you." I called over my shoulder, "Bye, have fun!" I shut the door and sighed, "no promises Pa."

I climbed into my beat black beauty, the car that was given to me from my grandfather. It was a total beater when i got it but then i fixed her up real nice and no she's the prettiest girl in town. I am totally gay for my car. A 1965 pontiac bonneville, and my soul mate. 

I drove up to the campus and of course i had a parking pass sitting in my passenger seat, coutesy of Dad most likely. I sat there for a moment, watching some of the other kids walk up the front steps. I took a deep breath and tapped the steering wheel. "Wish me luck." I pulled my scarf up over my nose, making it cover my mess of freckles on my face. I hate those damn spots. Nervously i clutched the strap of my bag, keeping my head down as I entered the building. I'm not sure if it's just me, but when ever I go to a school or a librabry they have a very specific smell. The way a hospital or dental office does. But Highschool is a different, it reeks of cheap body spray and desperation. mmmm, Delicious. 

I was headed for the dark blue locker that I had been assigned, when suddenly my attention was snagged. "You get back here young man! you can't skate in school!" shouted a rather large man in a suit, most likely a teacher. Then, before I really knew what was happening, a boy was hurddling towards me on a skate board. WHAM! I was knocked to the ground, a sharp pain to the back of my head and a heavy weight on my chest. Again I found myself completely disorientated. "Dude why didn't you get out of the way?" This kid body slammed me and I've been her for less than five minutes. What are the odds?

I propped myself up on my elbows, then my hands, looking at the white haired boy. He extended his hand and pulled me to my feet, he was strange looking but handsome. His white hair was mixed with light blue and purple, and he wore a large christmas-like sweater with sknny jeans. And his dark blue eyes against his fair skin made him look somewhat like a fairy. Or something out of frozen. And I mean that in a good way of course. "You're the one skating where he wasn't suppose to. If anything, you should have moved." Yeah, I should work on this nice thing, but I am right you know. "Hey, I like you. You're alright. I'm Parker, Parker Lenz." He shook my hand to the point i thought it might fall off. So this was the kid Heidi was talking about. Don't see why he reminds her of me though. "Who are you?"

"Jo, sometimes JC."

"You're a girl, why do you have a boy's name?" Oh there it is, brutal honesty, no filter. sounds like me.

Jeez, Heidi has lousey taste in friends.

I sighed and adjusted my scarf, "You're a boy, why do you wear girl's jeans?" Parker threw his head back laughing and slung his arm around my neck. "JC I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship." Well damn, 10 points to Gryffindor. I have obtained a friend. Possibly. I'm not quite sure how this works.

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