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Ever since Izuku Midoryia was little, he knew that his goal was to become a hero just like the number 1 hero, All Might. Little Midoriya wasn't after fame, fortune or the luxury of being a hero like so many selfish others, he wanted nothing more than to help those in need of support. Izuku was willing to fight against enemies much stronger than him even if it will mean he will suffer from severe injuries. Little Izuku would do anything to protect a single person from a brief moment of suffering.

But why, after all these years?

Why did the green haired boy feel the burning hatred against the heroes he looked up to so much?

Why does he stare at me with such vigour?

What happened to the little boy with the sparkling grin?

What happened to Izuku Midoriya?

~ ~ ~

Middle School was a conflicting time for Midoriya. The confusion of change lingered in his mind constantly. The friends he knew from Primary School had turned on him, leaving alone in the dust. Popularity and fame were all that boys cared about in Middle School and Izuku offered them nothing. Besides, no one wanted to be friends with a quirkless boy.

It wasn't long before people began to notice the quiet boy. Tauntings, shoving and eventually fighting was all they acknowledged Midoryia for. At first, the small boy did everything in his willpower to ignore their poisonous words but when the other boys began to get upset that he wasn't paying attention to them, things turned physical. Destroying Izuku's property was only the beginning of the bullying. Finding the quirkless boy after school and shoving him around in a big group until either shooed off or lost interest was the next step. And finally, the fighting began. Enduring plenty of fists to his chin, slaps across the face and kicks to the shins caused many days the small green haired boy would hobble his way home covered head to toe in bruises, sputtering obvious excuses to his concerned mother.

After a short time, he was re-named, 'Deku'.


It wasn't long before the harsh words that never used to bother Izuku began to susurrate in his ears. Shadows began chanting mantras of misery where ever Izuku would go. Dark layers seemed to form circles under the small boy's eyes due to the loss of sleep, accompanying a pair of dull green eyes. The bruises that healed began to reappear with twice the amount each passing day to the point where every inch of Midoryia's sickly pale skin was littered in dark purple, blue and green spots. 

Each day began to blend into one another, the same process repeated each day. Cotton wool seemed to fill up Deku's mind, causing him to become unable to process words droning from the teacher's lips or to retaliate against the bullying. It was almost as if Deku was running on power saver, too tired to function correctly. 

One afternoon after class had finished for the day, Deku found himself disconnected from reality, still staring at the wall. Sitting on the plain desk in front of him was a notebook he used to guard with his life. It was the 13th in the series all about pro-heroes and everything to know about them from basic height to family life. Deku would spend hours looking through news reports or travelling across the city to find out more about the pro-heroes. Now, the small boy no longer has the effort to pick up his phone or travel to see a fight. What was the point? Deku didn't have a quirk and spending hours worshipping those who are heroes because of their quirk was just overall...depressing. 

"Oi, Deku!" The familiar shout of murderous intent called.

Without looking in the boy's general direction, Deku knew who was marching over to his desk. A tall boy the same age as Deku slammed his hands down against the desk, his blood red eyes seething with coercion. Explosive blonde hair stuck up in all directions, giving the male a rebellious look to his narrow features and making a shiver rush down Deku's spine.

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