Serendipity| iii

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The depths of darkness made it easier for Twice and Deku to travel without being hunted by heroes. Though, the encounters with other villains were more probable. The two stuck together and never strayed too far away in ensure they'd make it to the base alright. Keeping their heads low and briskly walking down twisting and narrowing alleyways. Deku was surprised at the maze-like backstreets. He knew that villains existed, but he would have never thought that they lived in such secluded and off-putting areas like this, the villains Deku saw on T.V were always ones who walked around in pure daylight without a care. The small boy never thought about if those villains had a life outside their mischievous ways or if they had a family of some sort. Thinking about these things created a sinking feeling in Deku's stomach and made the hole in his heart grown a little more.

Maybe some of those villains had reasons for their actions? Maybe their family was starving, or they were blackmailed? Heroes had no right to put innocent people in jail. Heroes don't even attempt to find a reason behind the malicious actions of villains.

For once, Deku decided to strike up a conversation. "So, Twice, how long have you been with the league?" He asked curiously.

"To be honest, kid? I don't even remember myself." The older man kept his gaze on the lingering stars in the sky, trusting his feet to lead the way.

"For a long time now!" Twice gestures widely as his other side took over briefly.

Deku thought nothing of it now, he was used to the constant switching of Twice's personalities. There were times where one personality would take over for a longer period of time than the other, and Deku got along with both of them. One side was bubbly and had more psychotic episodes while the other was more laid-back and acted as a father figure.

"From what you've told me, you get along with most of the villains in the league, so I'm guessing you've been there a while?" Deku deducted carefully.

"Yeah, besides Dabi." 

"That's the guy with the blue flames and facial scarring right?"

"Yep! The edge lord doesn't get along with most people, so don't be too upset if he- wait." Twice cut himself off, snapping his head towards a noise.

"Twice?" Deku questioned shyly.

A gloved hand went over Deku's mouth rapidly as the two shuffled towards the wall. Confusion and concern flooded the two males. 

"We need to leave right now, goddamn cops are catching up," Twice hissed quietly to Deku who still had Twice's hand over his mouth to keep him silent. "We're too close to the League, we have to take a detour. We need to wait it out." 

Deku nodded in understanding. Villains and cops don't really get along, however, cops were easy enough to maneuver around without being caught or seen. The real issue was when there were cops, there were heroes. Deku had watched enough news broadcasts to know how the police and heroes work. Twice was right about fleeing but Deku felt like there was another way in this situation. 

Twice continued to make his way in a random direction, shuffling close to the wall. Up ahead was a large dumpster that Deku and Twice both unanimously thought that was their only way to hide from the cops. It was less than ideal but when you're trying to hide in an alleyway where all the doors are locked and you have very limited hiding spaces, you take what you can get. 

The pair made quick work of fitting into their hiding space. They tilted the dumpster slightly to get slightly more coverage. The stench was indescribable. Deku tried not to breathe in too much.

Deku whispered softly to Twice, feeling the intensity of the situation grow. "Can't we just sneak away?"  

Twice replied in a hushed tone. "I don't wanna risk it. They're like cats, they see anything suspicious move, they pounce. If we tried to run they would catch us quickly."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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