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requested by DistrictChan

"I am NOT, I am WHO, I am YOU. What next? What-" Chan starts scribbling on the paper, he's got half the tracks down, but no names, not even an album name. It had him confused, stressed, even more tired then normal. "NOT, WHO, YOU? ME? Me.. me sounds decence, not good enough." He ripped the paper, tossing it across the room. "I am.. so done." Chan throws the notepad on the floor, stuffing his face into his hands and crying. "Fuck, just f-"

"Channie?" Jisung voice could be heard in whispers as the door creaked open. "Wanna play?"

Chan's ears perked, oh so badly did he want to. "JiJi.." he lifted his head from his hands.

Jisung dragged in a backpack full of games and toys, in the other arm holding his favorite teddy bear.

A little smile twitched on Chan's face, threatening to take over. He makes small grabby hands, the other coming closer. Chan turns to the computer, putting on his SXYE playlist.

They both got on the carpet, pulling out the games and toys.

"What game first?"

"I wanna play Apple to Apple but.."

They both pouted, they knew the others couldn't know. It was an accident for each other finding out themselves. This whole thing was a sin, it wasn't right but it was nice. So that's why they hid it, they hated themselves for this sin. But who could deny it once they got a taste? Not them.

"Minnie would join, he likes this stuff." Jisung pushed Apples to Apples away, putting Sorry between them both.



"I don' think they'd like us like this.."

Chan choose red, forcing Jisung to be yellow. They both snickered.

"I think they will!"

The older shrugged, swaying to the music.

Lollipops and cigarettes.
Bubblegum and fishnets.
Herion and slamming doors.
Medicine all on the floors..



Fuck! The room was scattered with toys, and before Chan could render it, Jisung was opening the door.


"What the-"

To be continued.. (if wanted to be)

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