Waking up

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Stella's POV
     I heard Winston and Jenny come home. Winston opened my door as I stretched and yawned. "Good morning Stella" he said and walked out. I head down my stairs and look in my mirror. I sigh and start to put the make-up I wear. (Instead of blue like Georgette it's violet). I start to sing as I do so. Getting ready for the day.

I walk to the kitchen and I hear barking from Georgette. I sigh and go in to see Georgette barking at a small kitten. My eyes light up. I head over and get in between the kitten and Georgette. "Hello young one. Don't mind Georgette. She's a bit spoiled" I say whispering the last part. "Hello" he says smiling at me. "I'm Stella. And I'm guessing Jenny found you" I say and he nods. Jenny comes in smiling. "Georgette, Stella. This is Oliver and mom and dad says he can stay" she says petting the kitten. Georgette forces a smile while mine is real. Later I see Jenny and Oliver by the piano. Jenny starts to play with Oliver. I smile and sit next to Jenny on the bench. I play expertly with Jenny. Jenny later takes Oliver and me to the park. We play with sticks. We bow to an elderly couple and they smile at us. We then get ice cream. Jenny shares her ice cream with Oliver. When he goes to lick it he gets it all over his nose. We are on a carriage ride and Oliver messes with the driver's hat. He then goes to Jenny and I. He cuddles close to Jenny. I smile and place my head on her lap watching her and Oliver. She then gets him a bowl of his own and a collar. It's not a diamond one like mine but still expensive. We then go home. She cuddles with Oliver as she goes to sleep. I cover them up. As I'm walking out I hear Oliver call out to me. "Hmm" I say turning to look at him. "Thanks for being my friend too" he says sleepily. I smile softly and quietly say "it's fine. I hope you do like it here Oliver". I walk out of the room as he falls asleep. I walk past Georgette and she gags. "Is something wrong Georgette" I ask sighing. "You are being to nice to the cat. I am an award winning show dog while you are the best tracker and have several generations of pure American Alsation" she says and I nod. "So" I say annoyed. "He was a stray this morning and is a cat" she finishes. "Georgette. Jealousy isn't a good look on you" I say smirking as I walk away. She scoffs behind me. Oliver is more than welcome to stay here in my book.

Oliver and company x ocWhere stories live. Discover now