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Omg! I jumped off him. I was all over the place wondering how I look. If I looked like I was about fuck her husband. Because honestly if I lost this job I would lose him. I looked at him for approval and he was laughing his head off like what tha fuck? "What's so funny?" He held his tummy and laughed harder. "You.....you bit me and you look so hot running around." I began to blush then I playfully hit him. "And babe you look fine and Kat is in the kitchen."
"Lucas....how do you knw that?"
"OH....there are cameras in here and they are connected to my phone." He handed me his phone showing me the footages from the camera.
I sighed in relief. "Am gonna go because it's late."
"Hold up...I wanna give you a ride."
I was shaking so much that i lost my grip while taking up my bag which spilt everything. Sigh.....I grabbed my things and went to the kitchen.
"Mrs. Coly I am leaving now. Have a good night."
"You too honey. Lucas will take you home."
I gave a sheepish smile and left. While  exiting their home I released a breath I didn't know was in.

Lucas' POV
I got in my red Lambo waiting on Jessy. Omg her lip felt like clouds, the way her figure felt on me while she straddled me. Fuck she makes me so weak. She was an impeccable young woman. She almost made me forget I had a wife. What the fuck is she doing to me?

Jessy's POV
As I made my way to the drive way I saw Lucas in his Lambo with his head held low. It got me feeling and over thinking things. Maybe he didn't like my kissing. Maybe I involved too much tongue. What is he doing to me? I never over think.

I open the door to the passenger's seat. I didn't look at him. I am here ruining a marriage for God's sake.
"Jessica are you ok?" His voice is like birds singing to me. He makes me weak.
" I am fine just wanna get home.:
Without another word we were off.

It took us 20 minutes for us to arrive at my place, way longer than it used to.
"Lucas, I mean Mr. Coly I am sorry. That was really unprofessional of me. And it won't happen again."

Lucas POV
I drove extremely slow just to get the chance to listen her breathing,it was sexy.

When we arrived, she unbuckled herself from the seat and opened the door. She slightly turned her torso and spoke. The words that left her mouth got me fucked up. 'It won't happen again' is she freaking crazy.
"Jess will be please listen to yourself. I would have told you no if I didn't like it. I wouldn't have offered to come here with you. I enjoyed everything moment your face was close to mine." With that said I looked up and saw her eyes slowly watering. I used my thumb to wipe her flowing tears. I took this chance and kissed her. Our lips moved in sync and soon moved from an innocent kiss to a make out session.

Her legs straddling me in the driver's seat. My shirt on the back seat. She had her tiny hands rubbing my abs. It took everything in me to keep my friend from rising. Soon I lost control. It left like we were here for an hour when really it was just a few minutes. She started grinding herself against me and oh my....my head was about to explode. I kissed her jawline moving down to her neck and leaving a trail of hickeys. She's mine now.

Jessy POV
This man knows how to get me dripping. I started grinding when I realized I am so horny so so horny. It's unbearable. These hickey trails aren't helping. Every now and then I would moan involuntarily. "Mhmm" my phone began vibrating.

Fuck why now.
"Hello," I answered not checking the caller's ID.
"Hey, did you and the hottie make babies?" I looked at Lucas who was staring at me. Hoping he didn't hear Victoria.
"OH ummm no my brother isn't at home. Maybe you should call him." I said trying to not make it obvious that I have a nosy friend.
"OH so he is still there well call me later and let me in on those details" when she hung up I was relieved.

"Lu where were we?" I said smiling.
"Hmm, right here." He leaned in and kissed me.
"I need you to get inside because you have school and if you stay here ammo having you riding my joystick"
"Ouu so naughty. But you are right. Good night"
"Good night"
With that I reached for his shirt and handed it to him. But I happened to have left a hickey on his left pectoral. I hoped off and strolled in my house.

It is 11 in the night. I can't sleep, I didn't eat. I took at shower and thought about my day's events. Then I tried sleeping but all I could think about was a weird feeling I felt when we first kissed. It was tingles from my tongue to my tummy. I couldn't believe I had exchanged saliva with super star Lucas Coly.

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